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 Federal Technical Capability 
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  • BY YEAR:  
2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
  2001 2000 1999 1998

FTCP Correspondence - Year 2002

  • December 16, 2002, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the status of implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems at the Hanford Site. PDF
  • December 2, 2002, Department letter describing the Department's path forward towards closure of recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems. HTML PDF
  • October 18, 2002, Memo on SRS Report for week ending October 18, 2002. PDF
  • September 27, 2002, Memo on SRS Report for week ending September 27, 2002. PDF
  • September 20, 2002, Memo on SRS Report for week ending September 20, 2002. PDF
  • September 18, 2002, Board letter enclosing a summary on open commitments under implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems. HTML PDF
  • August 23, 2002, Memo on Activity Report for week ending August 23, 2002. PDF
  • August 14, 200, Department letter providing additional detail for the Federal Technical Capability Program (FTCP) agents to identify staff level personnel responsible for the oversight of contractor safety systems.  HTML  PDF  WPD
  • August 9, 2002, Memo on Pantex Plant Activity Report for week ending August 9, 2002. PDF
  • July 15, 2002, Memorandum on Issues from the Federal Technical Capability Panel Meeting and Annual Facility Representative Workshop. PDF
  • July 15, 2002, Memorandum on Concerns on Knowledge Skill and Ability (KSA). PDF
  • April 11, 2002, Department letter enclosing the Functional Area Qualification Standard Update Schedule in relation to Commitment 19 of implementation plan 2000-2, which calls for the Department to revise the Technical Qualification Program standards. It proposes closure of said commitment. HTML PDF WPD
  • March  11, 2002, Memorandum of Understanding between Richland Operations Office and Rock Flats Field Office. PDF
  • February 25, 2002, Memorandum on Expected Service Authorities. PDF
  • January 24, 2002, Department letter forwarding a report documenting completion of Commitments 17 and 18 in Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 17 calls for Federal expertise to ensure effective oversight of contractor safety systems at defense nuclear facilites. Commitment 18 calls for a report identifying DOE needs for Federal technical personnel and means of addressing critical technical skill gaps. It proposes closure of these commitments. HTML PDF DOC
  • January 15, 2002, Memorandum on Technical Qualification Program (TQP) Performance Indicator Quarterly Report. PDF
  • January 08, 2002, Memorandum Subject- Centers for Excellence. PDF

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