June 2, 2008


Mr. J.K. Fortenberry

Technical Director

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, N.W.

Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Fortenberry:


This is in response to Chairman Eggenberger's April 29, 2008, letter regarding an

evaluation of the activity-level craft work planning and control process and its

implementation by the CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. (CH2M HILL) which

was performed by the Board staff. Subsequent to the Staffs evaluation, members

of my organization performed an independent assessment of the CH2M HILL

work planning and control processes, conduct of operation programs, and the

Office of River Protection's (ORP) oversight programs per our annual assessment

schedule. I believe the results of these evaluations are consistent, and both CH2M

HILL and ORP have been responsive to the concerns identified by both of our



Both the Board staff review and the Office of Environmental Management (EM)

noted concerns with the process for categorizing work as either minor, standard,

or complex. CH2M HILL has indicated that it is working through the Energy

Facility Contractors' Group (EFCOG) to identify a better methodology for

categorizing work. In addition, CH2M HILL is also working through the EFCOG

Work Management subgroup to improve their hazard analysis checklists that are

used for planning complex work. It is anticipated that this will resolve the concern

that the Board staff identified in this regard.


The EM assessment of ORP’s oversight and corrective action programs concluded

that the ORP programs had sufficient scope and depth, however, several findings

and observations were noted, and are being addressed. ORP oversight of the tank

farms includes the identification of focus areas which change, based upon

performance trends or adverse events. Following the Board staffs visit, work

planning and control was identified as a focus area for the ORP Facility

Representatives. In addition, ORP recently began an assessment of CH2M

HILL'S design and administrative control, which includes an evaluation of work

planning and control.


Currently, CH2M HILL and ORP are working on corrective action plans to

address the findings and significant observations identified in the EM assessment

report. That plan is due by June 6, 2008. If you or other members of the Board

staff are interested, we will be pleased to provide copies of the assessment and

corrective action plan.


If you have any further questions, please call me at (202) 586-51 51 or Dr. Robert

Goldsmith, Director of Operations Oversight at (301) 903-4954.




Dae Y. Chung

Deputy Assistant Secretary for

Safety Management and Operations

Environmental Management



J. Rispoli, EM-I

I. Triay, EM-2

J. Owendoff, EM-3

S. Olinger, ORP

M. Whitaker, Jr. HS-I .I