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The following releases on FNS programs were issued in 1999 by USDA and FNS.

Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman on President Clinton's Expanded Efforts to Fight Hunger in America


Remarks by Glickman/ Mayors Conference Hunger Report


U.S. Mayors To Join USDA in Food Stamp Public Education Effort


USDA To Expand Expand Commodity Program to Five New States


WIC Customer Satisfaction Is Among Highest of Federal Programs


Nine States Get Grants To Explore Expansion of Free School Meals


Glickman Urges Americans To Improve Eating Habits, Launches New USDA Efforst To Improve the American Diet


USDA To Study Link Between Breakfast and Learning


As Obesity Increases, USDA To Hold Symposium on Why Americans Choose the Foods They Eat


USDA "Pyramid of Excellence" Presented to Five Nutrition Programs


Glickman Releases State-By-State Food Insecurity Rankings, Announces Significant New Steps to Fight Hunger


USDA Study Reveals Success and Gaps in Hunger Fighting Efforts


USDA Celebrates 25 Years of Healthier Moms and Babies Through WIC


Glickman To Honor WIC Pioneers at 25th Anniversary Celebration


USDA Releases Studies of New Thrifty Food Plan, Nutritional Status of WIC Participant


Remarks by Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman Food Stamp Education Campaign Roll-Out


Remarks by Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman Food Stamp Education Campaign Roll-Out


Glickman To Unveil Food Stamp Education Campaign in Baltimore, Urges Cities and States To Act To Help Working Families


USDA Awards $4.2 Million In Team Nutrition Grants To 16 States


Glickman Announces Food Stamp Changes, Public Awareness Campaign


Glickman , Williams, Holmes Norton To Promote Availability Of Free Summer Meals for Low-Income Children in D.C.


USDA Urges States To Offer Alternatives For Lactose-Intolerant Children


USDA Launches Food Stamp Information Campaign


USDA, Food Companies, Parenting Magazine Join To Promote Children's Health


Glickman , Food Companies and National Magazine To Sign Agreement To Promote Children's Health


Glickman To Celebrate Earth Day, Address Conference on Breakfast and Learning


USDA To Provide 800 Number for Food Stamp Information


Remarks by Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman at National Association of WIC Directors


Glickman To Address National Association of WIC Directors in New Orleans


USDA Unveils Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children
   -- Backgrounder: The Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children
   -- Q &As: The Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children


M/A Glickman To Release USDA's New Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children


Glickman Cancels Minnesota Trip; Under Secretary Walks Will Attend Two Nutrition and Learning Events


Glickman Highlights Link Between Nutrition and Learning, Marks National School Breakfast Week


Glickman To Visit Twin Cities To Celebrate National School Breakfast Week


USDA Report Encourages Americans To Remember Nutritional Needs When Eating Out



USDA Press Releases

Last modified: 11/28/2008