Protecting Natural Resources

Fisheries and Other Wildlife Protection Programs

More about Fisheries and Other Wildlife Protection Programs

Many kinds of wildlife are important to Americans.  See information about WS involvement in protecting fisheries, game animals, watchable wildlife and other valuable wildlife resources. 

National Resource Forestry and Other Natural Resources

More about National Resource Forestry and Other Natural Resources

Much of the nations lands support natural forests.  There are also many natural areas, streams, watersheds, and wetlands which WS helps land management agencies and others to protect.  This link will provide information about those activities.

Threatened and Endangered Species

More about Threatened and Endangered Species

Protecting T&E species is critical to their reintroduction and survival and WS assists many partners in this important activity. 

Protecting Natural Resources Against Invasive Species

More about Protecting Natural Resources Against Invasive Species

Invasive species threaten damage to a large variety of natural resources.  This link will provide information about WS involvement in this important activity

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Last Modified: December 15, 2008