February 4, 2008


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


I have been asked by the Administrator for National Nuclear Security Administration

(NNSA) to inform you that NNSA has completed Commitment 9C of the Implementation

Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 2004- 1, the deliverable

of which is, “Approved biennial program office self-assessments of safety function

assignment at the program office level.” Enclosed is a copy of the report from the October

2007 Chief Defense Nuclear Safety biennial review of Defense Programs

(NA-10). The review’s focus on implementation of nuclear safety responsibilities within

NA-10 fulfills the intent of Commitment 9C.


There were a number of deficiencies with respect to safety responsibilities within NA-10

that were identified during this review and a corrective action plan (CAP) will be issued in

February 2008 and provided to your staff. Upon implementing corrective actions,

NA-10 will be conducting a self-assessment to assess their effectiveness and we will

provide this to your staff as well. Included within the CAP will be actions that evaluate

the staffing allocations, qualifications, and work processes necessary to successfully fulfill

NA-10 safety responsibilities and any compensatory measures deemed necessary until the

corrective actions are implemented. I will be happy to keep you abreast of our progress

during our monthly meetings. Finally, NA-10 plans to perform this periodic

self-assessment, biennially, in accordance with the Deputy Secretary’s December 27, 2005,

letter to you on this subject.


If you have questions, please contact me or Michael Thompson of my staff at

(202) 586-6058.




Robert L. Smolen

Deputy Administrator

 for Defense Programs




cc: M. Whitaker, HS-1.1