September 27, 2005


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, D. C. 20004


Dear Mr.  Chairman:


This letter provides interim status and reports partial completion of Commitment 12 of the Department’s 2004-1 Implementation Plan for Improving Oversight of Nuclear Operations.  Commitment 12 calls for structured training for safety professionals, senior managers and decision-makers responsible for nuclear safety, including those responsible for nuclear safety oversight.  The Department remains committed to providing the necessary training to make our safety professionals, decision-makers, and managers effective.  An important step in this direction is the Nuclear Executive Leadership Training that was developed over the past year.


Enclosure 1 describes the Nuclear Executive Leadership Training that was designed for senior managers with responsibilities for nuclear safety.  The Nuclear Executive Leadership Training was first presented May 9-13, 2005, for 26 managers in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Offices within Energy, Science and Environment (ESE).  The next session was conducted September 19-23, 2005, for 25 additional managers from these organizations.  This training, an important element of professional development for senior managers and decision-makers, will be continuously updated and provided at least annually in the future.  A copy of the training materials has been provided to your staff.


The Department's training and professional development plan for safety professionals, senior managers, and decision-makers is not complete.  Many ongoing DOE and NNSA training and development initiatives, described in Enclosure 2, are candidates for incorporation in the overall plan.  Our approach is to evaluate these initiatives, and strengthen and integrate them as needed to provide the training necessary to make our NNSA and ESE safety professionals, managers, and decision-makers effective.  To this end, we are establishing a cross-organizational group of senior representatives from NNSA, ESE, the Office of Environment, Safety and Health (EH), the Office of Human Capital (HR), the Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance (SP), and the Federal Technical Capability Panel (FTCP) to work for us in developing a recommended path forward.  Mr. Raymond Hardwick, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Facility Safety (EH-2), has agreed to lead this group.  Ms. Audrey Clark, Acting Deputy Director of the National Training Center (NTC), will serve as vice lead.  The NTC has been designated responsibility for safety professional development for the Department.


We will personally monitor the progress of this group.  We will brief the Board by December 2005 on our progress.  We welcome the input from you and your staff during the development of this program.


If the Board has questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Linton Brooks at (202) 586-5555 and David Garman at (202) 586-7700.




David K. Garman

Under Secretary for Energy,

  Science and Environment


Linton F. Brooks


National Nuclear Security Administration




cc:  M. Whitaker, DR-1