October 23, 2002


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, N.W.

Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004


Dear Mr. Chairman:


Enclosed is the quarterly report for Recommendation 98-2 for the period July 1 through September 30, 2002.During this reporting period, the Department made progress toward completion of all commitments.Sixteen out of twenty-six commitments have been delivered, two have been rendered moot by subsequent events, and eight remain outstanding.Change 1 to Revision 1 of the Implementation Plan (currently with the Executive Secretariat for signature by the Secretary) proposes a new Commitment 4.4.7 to accelerate implementation of critical tooling for two Conventional High Explosive (CHE) weapons to the greatest extent possible within the scope of the SS-21 authorization basis efforts currently in progress.This report includes progress toward new Commitment 4.4.7.


The National Nuclear Security Administration will be briefing the Board on implementation of SS-21, including the most critical open commitments of Recommendation 98-2, on October 28, 2002.That briefing will satisfy Commitment 5.2.2 to provide a quarterly briefing to Board.The viewgraphs customarily provided at previous briefings are enclosed and will not be presented on October 28, 2002; however, we will be prepared to discuss the information in the enclosed viewgraphs should the Board have further questions.


If you have any questions, please contact me or have your staff contact Jeff Underwood at 301-903-8303.




David E. Beck

Assistant Deputy Administrator

for Military Application and

Stockpile Operations

Defense Programs


3 Enclosures


Enclosure 1

Enclosure 2

Enclosure 3


cc w/enclosures:

E. Morrow, NA-3.6

E. Schmidt, NA- 12 1

M. Schoenbauer, NA- 122

W. Sigmond, NA-122.2

J. Underwood, NA- 124

M. Whitaker, S-3.1, HQ

K. Davis, S-3.1

J. McConnell, DNFSB

W. Andrews, DNFSB

J. Arthur, AL

D. Glenn, OASO

S. Erhart, OASO

M. Reaka, OASO/P

D. Brunell, OASO

D. Ruddy, BWXT Pantex

K. Powers, NV

T. McEvoy, NV

S. Schwartz, OWPM