December 20, 2002


The Honorable John T. Conway, Chairman

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


My September 30, 2002, letter to you committed to preparing a project plan for the disposition of the Savannah River Site (SRS) depleted uranium (DU).The enclosed plan not only covers the DU but also covers the excess natural and low-enriched uranium at SRS.This plan has been approved for public release.


Significant progress has been made on the disposition of these materials.All of the DU oxide drums in the two buildings that were of concern to the DNFSB have been palletized and shipping of these drums to Envirocare of Utah (EOU) is scheduled to begin in February 2003.This disposition path is also expected to be appropriate for the remainder of the DU oxide inventory.The depleted and natural metal stored in M-Area is also planned to be shipped to EOU beginning in the same timeframe.


If you have any further questions, please call me or Mr. Paul Golan at (202) 586-0738.




Jessie Hill Roberson

Assistant Secretary for

Environmental Management




cc:Mark Whitaker (S-3.1)

Paul M. Golan (EM-3)

Jeffrey M. Allison, (SR)