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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2008051 Parents’ Reports of the School Readiness of Young Children from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2007
This descriptive report presents initial findings on the school readiness of young children, as reported by their parents, from the School Readiness Survey (PFI) of the 2007 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES). It also incorporates basic demographic information about the population of children ages 3 to 6 who have not yet entered kindergarten, their parents'/guardians' characteristics, and the characteristics of the households in which they live. Topics covered include the participation of young children in preschool or other types of center-based care or education arrangements; parental plans for kindergarten enrollment and parents' beliefs about what they think they should do to prepare their children for school; children’s developmental accomplishments and difficulties, including emerging literacy and numeracy skills; family activities with children in and outside of the home; and children’s television-viewing habits.
NCER 20082009REV Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs on School Readiness: Report from the Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Initiative
In 2002, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) began the Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research (PCER) initiative to conduct rigorous efficacy evaluations of available preschool curricula. Twelve research teams implemented one or two curricula in preschool settings serving predominantly low-income children under an experimental design. For each team, preschools or classrooms were randomly assigned to the intervention curricula or control curricula and the children were followed from pre-kindergarten through kindergarten. IES contracted with RTI International (RTI) and Mathematica Policy Research (MPR) to evaluate the impact of each of the 14 curricula implemented using a common set of measures with the cohort of children beginning preschool in the summer-fall of 2003.

This report provides the individual results for each curriculum from the evaluations by RTI and MPR. Chapter 1 describes the PCER initiative and details the common elements of the evaluations including the experimental design, implementation, analysis, results, and findings. Chapters 2-13, respectively, provide greater detail on the individual evaluations of the curricula implemented by each research team including information on the curricula, the demographics of the site-specific samples, assignment, fidelity of implementation, and results. Appendix A presents results from a secondary analysis of the data. Appendix B provides greater detail regarding the data analyses conducted. Appendixes C and D provide additional information regarding the outcome measures.
REL 2007004 A Review Of Methods and Instruments Used In State and Local School Readiness Evaluations
This report provides detailed information about the methods and instruments used to evaluate school readiness initiatives, discusses important considerations in selecting instruments, and provides resources and recommendations that may be helpful to those who are designing and implementing school readiness evaluations.
NCEE 20074007 National Evaluation of Early Reading First: Final Report to Congress
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 created the Early Reading First (ERF) program to provide funding to preschools, particularly those that serve children from low-income families, to support the development of children's language and literacy skills. NCLB mandated that the Department conduct an independent evaluation of the ERF program to assess the impact of the program on both children's literacy skills as well as the instructional content and practices in preschool classrooms. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study found that the program had a positive impact on children's print and letter knowledge, but not on phonological awareness or oral language. The program had positive impacts on aspects of the classroom environment and teacher practices that are intended to support the development of language and literacy skills.
NCES 2005116 American Indian and Alaska Native Children: Findings From the Base Year of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
This E.D. TAB provides descriptive information about American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) children born in the United States in 2001. It presents information on characteristics of their families, on children's mental and physical skills, on children's first experiences in childcare, on the fathers of these children, and on their prenatal care. The report profiles data from a nationally representative sample of children at about 9 months of age both overall, and for various subgroups (i.e., male and female, AIAN children living in different types of families, AIAN children living in poverty). This report tells us that about one-third of AIAN children live in poverty (34 percent), about one-third live in households where the mother has less than a high school education (34 percent); three-quarters live in households with two parents, and about 1 in 10 (11 percent) were born to teen-aged mothers. Nonetheless, AIAN children at about 9 months of age do not perform significantly differently from the general population of children in terms of early mental and physical skills, such as exploring objects in play, babbling, eye-hand coordination and pre-walking skills.
NCES 2003004 Schools' Use of Assessments for Kindergarten Entrance and Placement: 1998-99
This report uses data from the base-year (kindergarten) of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 to describe the use of entrance or placement tests prior to kindergarten by schools in the U.S. It examines the different ways that schools use the information from these tests. It describes schools use of entrance and placement tests by public and private schools, and by schools with different concentrations of low-income children, different grade levels taught, and different numbers of children enrolled.
NCES 200106 Papers from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies Program Presented at the 2001 AERA and SRCD Meetings
This working paper contains papers presented at the spring 2001 meetings of the American Educational Research Association and the Society for Research on Child Development. All the papers either use data from the base year of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 to answer questions about kindergartners and kindergartens in the U.S. or describe the design and development of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort.
NCES 2000079 National Household Education Survey of 1999 Data Files
Three surveys were conducted for the NHES: 1999: the Parent Survey (Parent-NHES: 1999), the Youth Survey (Youth-NHES: 1999) and the Adult Education Survey (AE-NHES: 1999). Data files for NHES: 1999 that were downloaded or shipped prior to June 1st, 2001 contain weights that have subsequently been revised and need to be replaced. Please follow the link below, at “On-line Availability,” for more information. Also, please note that the Data File User’s Manuals and Methodology Report for NHES: 1999 have not been revised to reflect the adjustment to the survey weights. As a result, data users should not use the weighted response rates or weighted frequencies that appear in these reports. The data files and documentation for NHES: 1999 can be downloaded from this website.
NCES 2001023 The Kindergarten Year
This report attempts to answer two basic sets of questions about children's knowledge and skill acquisition during the kindergarten year. What gains are children making from the fall of the kindergarten year to the spring of the kindergarten year in their overall reading and mathematics knowledge and skills? What gains are children making in specific knowledge and skills (e.g., recognizing letters, recognizing numbers)? The report also answers the question, do children's gains differ by child, family and kindergarten program characteristics?
NCES 2000062 The Condition of Education, 2000
The Condition of Education is an indicator report, summarizing the health of education, monitoring important developments, and showing trends in major aspects of education. The 65 indicators included examine relationships; show changes over time; compare or contrast sub-populations, regions, or countries; or assess characteristics of students from different backgrounds and types of schools. An indicator is policy relevant and problem oriented; it typically incorporates a standard against which to judge progress or regression. Please remember, however, that indicators are not intended to identify causes or solutions, and cannot individually by themselves provide a completely comprehensive view of conditions in education.
NCES 2000026 Home Literacy Activities and Signs of Children's Emerging Literacy, 1993 and 1999
This report presents information on the extent to which families are engaged in literacy activities with their 3- to 5-year-olds who are not yet enrolled in kindergarten. It also presents information on signs of children's emerging literacy, such as whether children recognize letters, can write their own names, or read or pretend to read. This report also examines changes in both home literacy activities that families engage in and signs of children's emerging literacy between 1993 and 1999. The report concludes with an examination of the association between home literacy activities and signs of emerging literacy in 1999.
NCES 1999013 Participation of Kindergartners through Third-Graders in Before- and After-School Care
This report contains information from the 1995 National Household Education Survey (NHES:95) on the before- and after-school care arrangements of children in kindergarten through third grade. It examines characteristics of these arrangements that are of key public interest - participation rates, average time spent in care, and out-of-pocket expenses.
NCES 1999036 Digest of Education Statistics, 1998
The Digest is an annual compendium whose primary purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from kindergarten through graduate school. The Digest includes more than 400 tables from many sources, both government and private, and draws especially on the results of surveys and activities caried out by NCES. The publication contains information on a variety of subjects in the field of education including educational attainment, federal funds for education, and numbers of schools, colleges, teachers and students.
NCES 98246 National Household Education Survey: An Overview
The National Household Education Survey (NHES) is a data collection system of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) that is designed to address a wide range of education-related issues. It provides descriptive data on the educational activities of the U.S. population and offers policymakers, researchers, and educators a variety of statistics on the condition of education in the United States.
NCES 94663 NHES Brochure
Brochure describes the National Household Education Survey; its breadth and frequency.
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