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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service
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Diana Sevilla
Fighting Back Partnership Family Resource Center

Joining AmeriCorps is one of the greatest experiences that I’ve ever had. Being an AmeriCorps member has given me an opportunity to broaden my horizons and has given me the experiences that will benefit me in the future. Before I became a member, I didn’t have many experiences in volunteering, working with the low-income families and needy people in our community. I knew there were problems in our community, but I guess I wasn’t fully aware of these issues such as homelessness, child abuse, domestic violence, and many more. I guess you can say that I was naïve about these issues in the community and by being an AmeriCorps member I became aware of these issues. Working for Fighting Back Partnership Family Resource Center, has provided many experiences that has influenced and given me a different point of view in life.

One of the most memorable moments that I’ve had during my AmeriCorps term was last April during the Blue Ribbon Campaign. My fellow AmeriCorps members and I planned a Blue Ribbon event for the Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Campaign. We asked for donations in the community and also for other agencies to participate in this event. We distributed blue ribbons as a symbol for the number of child abuse cases in Vallejo, along with pamphlets about child abuse prevention. I contacted the citizen on Patrol to provide free finger printing and we also provided snacks.

This event was a success not because of what we offered to the people in the community but the people who we reached that day. During this event there was a lady who needed help that day, she just happened to go to the JFK library where we held the event and she approached one of the volunteers that we had that day. She said she needed help and broke down in tears. She is in a domestic violence relationship and at that time she didn’t have shelter, clothes, or money with her. I directed her to one of our home visitors that participated in our event, I was very thankful that he was there that day, because he knew exactly what to do. Before the event was over, I assisted my co-worker into taking this lady to Christian Help Center, which will provide shelter and assistance with her needs.

Being involved in this situation made me realize and be aware that domestic violence is real and it is happening. It was an eye-opening situation that brought growth and awareness to my life. I wasn’t exposed to this environment growing up and all these experiences are enriching my life and teaching me lessons.

I am very thankful that I’m given the opportunity to join this program and it is definitely an eye-opening experience. I work with great and passionate people who believe and give hope to the people in the community. These experiences brought growth and knowledge that will be with me the rest of my life.


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