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Janessa Pierce
NCCC Team Leader, Charleston, SC

On a spring break trip to Miami during her junior year of college, Janessa Pierce met some AmeriCorps*NCCC members during a Habitat for Humanity Collegiate Challenge build. Intrigued by their experiences, she joined after graduating from her college in Peoria, Illinois.

As a first year corps member, Janessa became a de facto leader and organizer for her team. She was chosen to lead a team of wildland firefighters. Shortly after her firefighting service ended, Hurricanes Ivan and Charlie began battering Florida.

Janessa volunteered to lead a team in disaster relief efforts. She quickly helped her team bond together and develop strong working relationships with other disaster response organizations, including FEMA and the American Red Cross. The need was so intense in Florida that Janessa extended her commitment in Florida from three weeks to two months and convinced her teammates to do so, too. In total, the team installed temporary roofs for 412 families during their service in Florida.

“It was really rewarding to walk through the communities, get to know the people who were affected,” according to Janessa. “In a half hour, we could put a tarp on (a roof) and help a family move back in. Then, we’d go help their neighbor.”

Her work in Florida was some of the most challenging of her life. “It was a true test for me and everyone on our team because after a tragic disaster, things are very chaotic. Trying to accomplish something is ten times harder.”

This year, Janessa is serving as a team leader. Most recently, her team has been building a summer camp for disadvantaged youth in Burlington, Vermont. When asked about her AmeriCorps experience, Janessa reflected: “I’ve committed two years of my life. I’ve met a lot of people who have committed their entire lives or some who have committed a day of service. No matter how much time you can give, your time is equally appreciated. Just give a day, give an hour, give something.”


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