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Learn and Serve America

Leone Junck
Ogden Community School District
Leone Junck, a 27-year teaching veteran, offers a variety of service-learning opportunities to the gifted and talented students at Ogden Community School District. For the past two years, fifth graders have focused on water testing for the state’s Department of Natural Resources at an area wetland. In addition to keeping the DNR up-to-date on water quality, the students also recorded “Wetland Minutes” that were aired by a local radio station. Sixth graders paired up with “buddies” at a nursing home in Ogden, planning activities to share with their buddies, ranging from one-on-one games to a talent show. With the assistance of a local judge, eighth graders undertook a project on drinking and driving, presenting a mock trial on the topic to middle school students. Other projects have included a play on bike safety, recording books on tape for children in a rehabilitation center, and writing songs to teach the multiplication tables. All fourth grades in Ogden and the neighboring town used the songs. Junck will present a session on the learning achievements of her students in October during the International Conference on Volunteer Administration, based on article she wrote that was published in the Journal of Volunteer Administration.

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