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Senior Corps

Lucy  Kuminecz
RSVP -- St. Joseph County, IN
Severe allergies require Lucy Kuminecz to limit her contact with people. But they don’t prevent her from serving with the RSVP of St. Joseph County in South Bend, Ind. She spends hours each day at her sewing machine, diligently stitching together dolls and teddy bears for children she doesn’t know. The toys are given to hospitals, police departments, and family service agencies. Since starting in May 2001, she has made 1,015 dolls and 700 bears. She works up to 12 hours a day. “Some days I’ll spend all day at the sewing machine. If I have a lot of handwork to do, I do that on the couch while I watch TV,” Kuminecz said. Recently, while in being treated at a local hospital herself, she took the opportunity to deliver the toys. “It was neat to see who they went to and how good the felt about it,” she said. She sometimes hears back from other people who have presented her creations to children. A police officer told her about a little girl who initially wouldn’t take the doll he offered; she had never had a doll before and was afraid he would take it back. All this volunteer work has had another impact on Kuminecz. She recently was asked to greet President Bush when he arrived at the airport on a swing through South Bend. He gave her a pin in recognition of 9,000 hours of volunteer service, along with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

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