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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service
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President Bush Visits AmeriCorps Team in ‘The Pass’


Pass Christian, MS - During a visit to the Gulf Coast region on Tuesday, President Bush stopped by the Delisle Elementary School in Pass Christian, Miss. – also known as ‘The Pass’ – where a team from the AmeriCorps St. Louis program (pictured above) worked throughout the weekend to help the school get ready to receive its first students since Hurricane Katrina hit. Also visiting were First Lady Laura Bush, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, and USA Freedom Corps Director Desiree Sayle. The school, which was flooded but did not sustain significant structural damage, is the only remaining school in town, and AmeriCorps members are continue to prepare the site for the October 17 arrival of the town’s middle school and high school students. The effort is part of the Corporation for National and Community Service’s collaboration with the ABC television program “Good Morning America” and the Salvation Army to help rebuild Pass Christian.

Release Date: 10/11/2005
Photo Caption: Pass Christian, MS - During a visit to the Gulf Coast region on Tuesday, President Bush stopped by the Delisle Elementary School in Pass Christian, Miss. – also known as ‘The Pass’ – where a team from the AmeriCorps St. Louis program (pictured above) worked throughout the weekend to help the school get ready to receive its first students since Hurricane Katrina hit. Also visiting were First Lady Laura Bush, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, and USA Freedom Corps Director Desiree Sayle. The school, which was flooded but did not sustain significant structural damage, is the only remaining school in town, and AmeriCorps members are continue to prepare the site for the October 17 arrival of the town’s middle school and high school students. The effort is part of the Corporation for National and Community Service’s collaboration with the ABC television program “Good Morning America” and the Salvation Army to help rebuild Pass Christian.
Photo Credit: White House Photo Office

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