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Mars Exploration Rover Project

October 6, 2003 Memo

Dear Colleagues:

Dr. Ed Weiler, NASA's Associate Administrator for Space Science recently confirmed Gusev Crater as the landing site for Spirit (MER-A). This confirmation was based on presentations made by the MER Project that included the results of additional airbag tests for the lander, further assessment of mesoscale wind model results for the site, mapping of hazard units throughout Gusev crater, additional landing simulation results, and the conclusions of an independent navigational study. As a result of this confirmation, the MER Project has ceased all work on the Elysium site.

Gusev and Meridiani here we come!

(image: pic15629.gif). Text version below.

Once again, please accept our most sincere thanks to all of you that helped in the selection of landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers. Your time and effort contributed significantly to the process and are greatly appreciated.

Regards, John Grant and Matt Golombek Chairs of the Landing Site Steering Committee

Summary of the MER Landing Sites (Oct 6, 2003)

Gusev Crater (MER-A)

Meridiani (MER-B)

  • Sediments deposited in crater lake?

EP55A3 centered at:

  • 14.59 S, 175.30E IAU/IAG 2000
  • 14.59S, 175.03E IAU/IAG 1994
  • 14.59S, 175.06E  IAU/IAG 1991

Ellipse center ground radius 3392.33 km, MOLA elevation -1.91 km. Margined 99% ellipse: 78.2 km x 10.4 km, oriented at 75°, Unmargined 99% wllipse 67.2 km x 5.4 km

  • Mineral evidence(coarse-grained hematite) for past water?

TM20B3 centered at:

  • 1.98S 354.06E  IAU/IAG 2000
  • 1.98S 353.79E  IAU/IAG 1994
  • 1.98S 353.82E  IAU/IAG 1991

Ground radius 3394.09, MOLA elevation - 1.44 km. Margined 99% ellipse: 84.6 km x 10.8 km, oriented at 82.9°, Unmargined 99% wllipse 73.6 km x 5.8 km.

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