Tri-Institutional Library Catalog (Tri-Cat)

Contains records describing the collections of journals, books, and other materials held by the libraries of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Rockefeller University, and Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

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Enter Search Term(s)

Check Search Type to be Executed

KEYWORD -- keywords may appear in titles, contents notes, etc.
AUTHOR -- enter last name first (e.g, Cummings, Jeffrey) or name of an organization (beginning with the first word).
TITLE -- enter as much or as little of the title as you want (beginning with the first significant word).
SUBJECT -- enter as much or as little of the subject as you want.
Control Number -- enter local control number.
ISBN -- International Standard Book Number search (omit hyphens).
ISSN -- International Standard Serial Number search (include hyphen).

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