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FNS PR 0001-2005

Susan Acker (703) 305-2286

USDA Announces $5 Million in Food Stamp Program
Participation Grant Solicitations

WASHINGTON, Jan. 26, 2005—USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Eric M. Bost today announced the availability of up to $5 million for a Food Stamp Program grant competition to improve access to, and awareness of, USDA’s Food Stamp Program for low-income households.

Grant solicitations will be available to state and local government agencies and private non-profit organizations to simplify food stamp application and eligibility systems and improve access to food stamps. The grants are part of the Bush Administration’s commitment to make it easier for the working poor, immigrants, and elderly to access food stamp benefits.

“Partnerships with state governments as well as private, non-profit groups including faith-based and community organizations help give families needed nutrition assistance,” said Bost. “This program supports President Bush’s commitment to improve services directed at reducing poverty and helping people in need.”

In an effort to improve access to food stamp benefits by eligible households, the 2002 Farm Bill authorized USDA to award $5 million in grants for projects aimed at simplifying the food stamp application and eligibility systems or improving access to food stamp benefits by eligible households. USDA will award up to $1 million out of the $5 million to a partnership between a state agency and one or more private non-profit organizations, including faith or community-based organizations. USDA will also give at least one award to a project that coordinates the food stamp application process with that of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, is the cornerstone of federal nutrition assistance programs and provides crucial support to working poor and needy households. The program serves more than 23 million people, and currently reaches about 54 percent of those who are eligible to receive benefits.

“USDA’s nutrition assistance programs are an important safety net for those in need,” said Bost. “These grants provide another opportunity to improve access for low-income Americans to a nutritious diet.”

Solicitations can be found online at  or on the FNS website at


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