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Bishop Field Office

Rangeland Benefits

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Cattle drive from Benton to the Bodie HillsThe BLM manages your public lands under the concept of multiple use.  One of these uses is livestock grazing.  Public lands provide ranchers with a renewable forage base which helps sustain the western livestock industry and contributes economic benefits to local communities.  Often private ranches contain open rangelands, riparian areas, streams, and lakes which are not only used for their livestock but for wildlife who depend on these habitats.  Therefore, by providing federal lands for ranchers to sustain their livelihood these habitats remain protected from development. The abundant open space in Long Valley

Public rangelands also help to maintain open space and the beautiful natural landscapes throughout the west.  With the increase in development and human growth, our public rangelands will become increasingly more valuable in the future.  "Responsibly managing these lands will meet our nation´s needs for open space and healthy rangelands for future generations."

Responsible Grazing Management will:

  • increase production of higher quality forage which benefits both wildlife and livestock needs;
  • Water flowing through Tuttle Creekcontrol an overabundance of vegetation to reduce the the threat of wildfire;
  • provide periods of rest, allowing plants to regenerate;
  • encourage permitees to maintain and/or improve existing water sources which helps distribute livestock and also makes water available for wildlife;
  • promote healthy riparian areas.  (Well established and healthy riparian areas can increase sediment entrapment, which improves water quality.  Extensive riparian vegetation cover increases shading of the stream, resulting in cooler water temperatures which benefit fish populations).