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Program Name
Program Description
Alabama Medicaid
Medicaid is a health insurance program for certain low-income and
needy people paid with Federal, state, and county dollars. It is the largest
program providing medical and health-related services to Al...
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Alaska Medicaid
Medicaid is a health insurance program for specified low-income
target groups in Alaska. Potential recipients include children, pregnant
women, the aged, blind, and/or disabled, and people who are eligi...
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Arizona Medical Assistance Program
The Medicaid Program provides medical benefits to low income people
who have no medical insurance or have inadequate medical insurance. The
Federal government establishes general guidelines for the admi...
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Arkansas Medicaid Program
Medicaid is a program that helps pay for medically necessary
medical services for needy and low-income persons. It uses state and Federal
government money. The Department of Human Services (DHS) runs th...
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California Medicaid
Medi-Cal is California's Medicaid health care program. This program
pays for a variety of medical services for children and adults with limited
income and resources. Medi-Cal is supported by Federal and...
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Colorado Medicaid
Medicaid is a program that pays for health insurance for some
Coloradans who can not afford it. When state and Federal eligibility
criteria are met, Medicaid covers families with children, pregnant wome...
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Connecticut Medicaid
The Connecticut Medicaid program provides for remedial, preventive,
and long term medical care for income eligible aged, blind or disabled
individuals, and families with children. Payment is made direct...
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Delaware Medicaid
The Medicaid program furnishes medical assistance to eligible
Delaware low-income families and to eligible aged, blind and/or disabled
people whose income is insufficient to meet the cost of necessary m...
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District of Columbia Medicaid
The DC Medicaid programs pays the medical bills of certain DC
residents who have low incomes. If you are 65 or older or disabled, you may
be eligible. Also, you may be eligible if you are pregnant or ha...
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Florida Medicaid
Florida Medicaid is the state and Federal partnership that provides
health coverage for selected categories of people in Florida with low
incomes. Its purpose is to improve the health of people who migh...
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Georgia Medicaid
The Georgia Medicaid program, administered by the Division of
Medical Assistance, provides health care coverage for people who are aged,
blind, disabled or indigent. The division spends $3.1 billion to ...
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Hawaii Medicaid Fee-For-Service Program
Medical assistance is medical coverage provided for eligible
low-income Hawaii residents. Hawaii has two medical assistance programs
called Hawaii QUEST and Medicaid Fee-For-Service. Generally, for elig...
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Hawaii Quest
Medical assistance is medical coverage provided for eligible
low-income Hawaii residents. Hawaii has two medical assistance programs
called Hawaii QUEST and Medicaid Fee-For-Service. Hawaii
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Idaho Medicaid
Idaho Medicaid is the state and Federal partnership that provides
health coverage for selected categories of people in Idaho with low incomes.
Its purpose is to improve the health of people who might ot...
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Illinois Medicaid
Medicaid is a jointly funded state and Federal government program
that pays for medically necessary services. Medicaid pays for medical
services for children and their caretakers, pregnant women, and pe...
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Indiana Medicaid Program
The Medicaid Program provides medical benefits to low income
individuals without medical insurance or adequate medical insurance. The
Federal government establishes general guidelines for the administra...
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Iowa Medicaid Program
Medicaid is a program that pays for covered medical and health care
costs of people who qualify. The Medicaid program is funded by Federal,
state, and local governments and is managed by the Iowa Depart...
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Kansas Medicaid
Kansas Medicaid is a jointly-funded state and Federal government
program that pays for medically necessary services. Medicaid pays for
medical services for children and their caretakers, pregnant women,...
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Kentucky Medical Program (KMP)
The Kentucky Medical Program is intended to provide medical and
health-related assistance to low-income individuals and families who have no
medical insurance or have inadequate medical insurance. Gener...
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Louisiana Medicaid Program
The Louisiana Medicaid Program is a Federally funded program, which
provides health coverage to Louisiana residents, within certain groups,
based on income and resource limits set by Congress. Medicaid ...
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Maine MaineCare
MaineCare (formerly Medicaid) is a "Federal/State" program, which
provides assistance to people with limited resources. Specifically,
MaineCare can help eligible Maine residents with their health care
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Maryland Medical Assistance Program
Medicaid, also called Medical Assistance, is a Program that pays
the medical bills of certain needy and low-income individuals. It is
administered by the State and pays medical bills with Federal and St...
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Massachusetts MassHealth (Medicaid)
MassHealth pays for health care for certain low and medium income
people living in Massachusetts who are under age 65 and who are not living
in nursing homes or other long-term-care facilities. The Divi...
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Medicaid Program
The Medicaid Program provides medical benefits to low-income people
who have no medical insurance or have inadequate medical insurance. The
Federal government establishes general guidelines for the admi...
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Medicare Prescription Drug Plans
Starting January 1, 2006, new Medicare prescription drug coverage
will be available to everyone with Medicare. Everyone with Medicare can get
this coverage that may help lower prescription drug costs an...
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Medicare Program
Medicare is a Federal health insurance program for people 65 years of age or older, under 65 with certain disabilities, and any age with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant). Currently, 44 milli...
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Michigan Medicaid Health Care Program
The Michigan Medicaid Health Care Program is intended to provide
medical and health-related assistance to low-income individuals and families
who have no medical insurance or have inadequate medical ins...
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Minnesota Medical Assistance
Minnesota's Medical Assistance program provides comprehensive
health care coverage. Covered services include doctor visits,
hospitalization, prescriptions, eye exams, eyeglasses, dental care and more.
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Mississippi Medicaid
Mississippi Medicaid is a health care program that helps pay for
medical services for low-income people. For those eligible for full Medicaid
services, Medicaid is paid to providers of health care. Prov...
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Missouri Medicaid
The purpose of the Medicaid program is to provide medical services
to persons who meet certain eligibility requirements as determined by FSD.
The goals of the Medicaid program are to promote good health...
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Montana Medicaid
Montana Medicaid seeks to facilitate access to a set of basic
health care benefits for all Montana citizens with a priority for those most
in need and create an environment where all recipients take an ...
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Nebraska Medical Assistance Program
The Nebraska Medical Assistance Program, also known as the Medicaid
Program, is a program that is jointly funded by the State and the Federal
government to provide medical coverage to those who meet cer...
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Nevada Medicaid
Nevada Medicaid is health insurance that helps many people who
can't afford medical care pay for some or all of their medical bills. This
program is available only to certain low-income individuals and ...
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New Hampshire Medicaid
The New Hampshire Medicaid program is a Federal and state funded
program that serves needy individuals and families in New Hampshire who meet
financial and other eligibility requirements and certain oth...
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New Jersey Medicaid Program
The Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS)
administer state-and Federally- funded health insurance programs for certain
groups of low and moderate income people. New Jersey Medicaid ...
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New Mexico Medicaid
The New Mexico Medicaid program is a Federal and state funded
program that serves needy individuals and families in New Mexico who meet
financial and other eligibility requirements and certain other ind...
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New York Medicaid
Medicaid is a program for New Yorkers who can't afford to pay for
medical care. Medicaid pays for a number of services, but some may not be
covered for you because of your age, financial circumstances, ...
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North Carolina Medicaid Program
Medicaid is a health insurance program for certain low-income and
needy people paid with Federal, state, and county dollars. It covers more
than 1 million people in our state, including children, the ag...
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North Dakota Medicaid Program
Medicaid is a program designed to assist individuals and families
who do not have health insurance, or who have health insurance that does not
cover all of the individual's or family's medical needs. Me...
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Oklahoma Medicaid
Medicaid is a Federal and State entitlement program that provides
medical benefits to low-income individuals who have no or inadequate health
insurance coverage. Oklahoma Medicaid guarantees coverage for basic health
and long-term c...
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Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid/SCHIP)
Oregon Health Plan program pays for health care and other service
needs of its clients. To get this help, individuals must meet certain income
and asset requirements and other non-financial eligibility ...
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Pennsylvania Medicaid Program
Medicaid provides payment for health care services on behalf of
eligible low-income persons and individuals with limited income and high
medical expenses. Payments are made directly to the health care p...
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Rhode Island Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
The Rhode Island Medical Assistance Program, also known as
"Medicaid", is a Federal and state funded program that pays for medical and
health related services for eligible Rhode Islanders. This includes...
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Social Insurance for Railroad Workers
Social Insurance for Railroad Workers provides comprehensive
retirement-survivor and unemployment-sickness benefit programs for the
nation's railroad workers and their families, under the Railroad Retir...
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South Dakota Medical Assistance for Low Income Families (LIF) Program
The Medical Assistance for Low-Income Families (LIF) program is
designed to help low-income South Dakota families (with or without private
health insurance) receive full medical assistance coverage. LIF...
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Tennessee TennCare
TennCare is a program providing health insurance to people who are
eligible for Medicaid and to certain other people who lack access to
insurance. A managed care model is used for delivering program ben...
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Texas Medicaid
Medicaid is the State and Federal cooperative venture that provides
medical coverage to eligible needy persons. The purpose of Medicaid in Texas
is to improve the health of people in Texas who might oth...
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Utah Medicaid
Medicaid is the State and Federal partnership that provides medical
coverage to eligible needy persons. The purpose of Utah Medicaid is to
improve the health of people in Utah who might otherwise go wit...
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Vermont Medicaid
Medicaid is a government health insurance program for Vermonters.
It's for eligible seniors 65 or older, people who are blind or disabled,
children, pregnant women and parents. Medicaid covers most medi...
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Virginia Medicaid
Medicaid is the state and Federal partnership that provides medical
coverage to eligible needy persons. The purpose of Virginia Medicaid is to
improve the health of people in Virginia who might otherwis...
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Washington Medicaid
Washington Medicaid is a joint Federal/state program established to
pay for medical services for people with disabilities, people 65 years and
older, children and their caretakers, and pregnant women wh...
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West Virginia Medicaid
The West Virginia Medicaid Program provides a medical card which
may be used to receive medical care in the community or in an institutional
setting, such as a nursing home. This allows those who may no...
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Wisconsin Medicaid
Wisconsin Medicaid is a joint Federal/state program established to
pay for medical services for people with disabilities, people 65 years and
older, children and their caretakers, and pregnant women who...
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Wyoming Medicaid
Wyoming Medicaid is a joint Federal/state program established to
pay for medical services for people with disabilities, people 65 years and
older, children and their caretakers, and pregnant women who m...
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