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Greetings from Silicon Beach updated Mon, July 20, 1998
SANTA BARBARA, California Karl Lopker needed a way to automate his shoe factory. But he didnt have to go to Silicon Valley for help. He found an answer closer to home.
Sprightly Santa Web sites sprinkle seasonal cheer updated Mon, December 25, 2000
You don't have to look any further than the World Wide Web to find out if there really is a Santa Claus and how to get in touch with him. A search for the jolly old elf using the Google search engine took only one-tenth of a second and turned up 312,000 Santa sightings.
Naughty or nice? Presents for politicians updated Wed, December 25, 2002
'Twas the night before Christmas, but this year enough political creatures are stirring to keep all of Washington awake. Santa Claus dropped by "Crossfire" to tell us which politicians have been naughty and which have been nice. He joined hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson for a rather unusual holiday gift exchange.
10,000 may say prayer in Santa Fe updated Wed, August 30, 2000
As many as 10,000 people may surround this small town's public stadium Friday to "spontaneously" recite the Lord's Prayer before Santa Fe High School's first football game of the season, Christian ministers predicted Tuesday.
Santas can freak out screaming toddlers updated Fri, December 12, 2008
He's a huge, strangely dressed man who sneaks into people's homes at night, then yells, "Ho! Ho! Ho!" at the top of his lungs. Who wouldn't be afraid of Santa Claus?
The insider's guide to Santa Claus updated Mon, November 20, 2006
(CNN) -- This weekend saw Toronto's annual Santa Claus Parade, one of the largest events of its kind in the world. With Christmas fast approaching, and overweight men with big beards and fur-trimmed red trousers enjoying their brief yearly window of social acceptability, we tell you everything you need to know about Santa...
Santa finding secret to happiness with lifes work updated Thu, December 24, 1998
ATLANTA CNN In these memoirmad times, when it seems every politician or 20something writer feels obligated to bore the world with their life story, its nice to know that once in a while theres a story worth reading.
The Santa myth How long should it last updated Tue, December 14, 1999
WebMD Every holiday season for the last three years, my son Justin, who is nine, has asked me straight out if there is a Santa Claus. Every time I say no. But every year he still wants to sit on Santas lap, the real Santa, that is, the one at the mall with the best decorations, not those imposto...
Military tracking Santa -- checking him twice updated Mon, December 24, 2001
U.S. military officials are tracking Santa's travel path and reporting the latest data on his location on a Web site.
Military, NASA tracking Santa updated Thu, December 20, 2001
U.S. military officials have declared success for an early Wednesday morning "Santa sleigh tracking test" high in the Canadian Arctic.

Web Results 1-5 of 53,200,000

Santa Claus and Christmas at the Northpole
Enjoy Christmas with Santa Claus at the North pole, an award-winning Christmas
web site. Send a letter to Santa Clause or a Christmas card to a friend.
Official NORAD Santa Tracker
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Santa Claus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or
simply "Santa", is the legendary and mythical figure who, in many Western ...
Santa Claus Animation Station: Santa-rific Christmas Website for Kids
An animated Santa Claus North Pole Cybertour! Visit Santa, the Elf Toy Factory,
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Christmas Songs, Stories, Pictures, ...
Santas Enchanted Forest Open till January 11th, 2009
Santas Enchanted Forest is where you can find the World's tallest christmas tree
along with adventure rides.

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