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Contact Information


   PLAN Q&As


ACF Current Activities

DIPOA vs. USA, Final Technical Study Report, January 2008

Jim Woodruff Dam Interim Operations Plan (IOP) Modification Proposal:
bulletLetter Requesting Consultation to Section 7 of ESA on proposed modifications to the IOP at Jim Woodruff Dam (15 Apr 2008)
bulletDescription of Proposed Action Modification to the IOP at Jim Woodruff Dam (Apr 2008).

Buford Dam-Request for
Temporary Deviation:

bulletGA-EPD Request (25 Apr 2008)

 bulletGA-EPD Request (11 Feb 2008)

ACF Drought Consultation:
Request to Initiate Section 7
   Consultation for Exceptional Drought
   Operations (1 Nov 2007)

bulletBiological Assessment (BA)
bullet(Click here for links to BA Appendices)
bulletQuestions and Answers-
   Biological Assessment

bulletCorps Request for Amendment to
   Biological Assessment (7 Nov 2007)

bulletFWS Biological Opinion (15 Nov 2007)

bulletEDO Finding of No Significant Impact
  (FONSI) (16 Nov 2007)

bullet(Click here for links to 16 Nov FONSI
   Environmental Assessment and


Jim Woodruff Section 7 Consultation
  ACF Drought Consultation

ACT Current Activities
Drought Summit
   Environmental Assessment:
     Finding of No Significant Impact for  
Alabama Power Company Proposal for
     a Temporary Modified Minimum Flow
     Agreement in The Alabama River for
     Drought Water Management Operation
     in the ACT River Basin - 19 July 2007

ACT-ACF Waterways:
  ACF Project Office Web Site
  Apalachicola Navigation Information
  ACF Stakeholders Public Meeting
  TRWDA Annual Meeting Presentations
ACT-ACF Water Allocation:   
  Updates and Presentations
  Concept for ACF Water Allocation
     Formula - 08 April 03

  Update to Concept for ACF Water
     Allocation Formula - 17 April 03

Lake Allatoona
    NEPA Water Management Briefing

News Releases

District Basins Report

National Deep Draft Navigation 
   Planning Center of Expertise

Real Estate Systems
   National Center  (RESNC) 


Geographic Information
   System (GIS)

History of the Mobile District

Hurricane Evacuation Study .

Water Resources
   Customer's Guide

Federal Employment

Contractor Information

Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Engineer District, Mobile
P.O. Box 2288
Mobile, AL 36628-0001

Questions or Comments:
 Public Affairs Office

General Information
Phone Number:


Frequently Requested
Phone Numbers

Send inquiries to:

For links to specific offices,
see the Organization page.

 Related Pages:
South Atlantic Division

USACE Home Page.

U.S. Army Home Page

Office of the Engineer
  Inspector General

Privacy and
  Security Notice

Mobile District Home

  Page Last Updated: 09/08/2008


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