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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Attachment A

FY 2004 CAPTA Allotments

Alabama $335,042
Alaska 99,544
Arizona 430,240
Arkansas 224,439
California 2,483,670
Colorado 346,374
Connecticut 274,730
Delaware 98,841
District of Columbia 78,869
Florida 1,049,553
Georgia 634,056
Hawaii 126,085
Idaho 145,375
Illinois 887,929
Indiana 460,621
Iowa 229,723
Kansas 229,330
Kentucky 289,852
Louisiana 355,271
Maine 121,848
Maryland 405,284
Massachusetts 426,760
Michigan 711,756
Minnesota 372,380
Mississippi 245,867
Missouri 409,799
Montana 105,695
Nebraska 163,129
Nevada 197,422
New Hampshire $129,395
New Jersey 597,731
New Mexico 178,863
New York 1,237,756
North Carolina 582,656
North Dakota 87,799
Ohio 791,483
Oklahoma 274,912
Oregon 270,161
Pennsylvania 787,242
Rhode Island 111,598
South Carolina 302,101
South Dakota 100,367
Tennessee 411,652
Texas 1,621,139
Utah 233,576
Vermont 85,958
Virginia 508,137
Washington 439,639
West Virginia 150,198
Wisconsin 394,506
Wyoming 81,499
blank cell
American Samoa 56,575
Guam 64,123
Northern Mariana Islands 54,566
Puerto Rico 331,179
Virgin Islands 58,828
Total $21,883,123
ACYF-CB-PI-04-01 HTML or PDF (582 KB)
Attachment A: FY 2004 CAPTA Allotments
HTML or PDF (45 KB)
FY 2004 Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP)
HTML or PDF (47 KB)
Education and Training Vouchers Program FY 2004 ETV Allocation
HTML or PDF (49 KB)
Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) FY 2004 State/Territory Allocations
HTML or PDF (50 KB)
Child Welfare Services FY 2004 Title IVB, subpart 1 Allotments
HTML or PDF (54 KB)
Attachment B: Current Variances in Title IV-B Provisions of Law and Regulation
HTML or PDF (93 KB)
Attachment C: CFSP/APSR Program Instruction (PI) Grid
HTML or PDF (81 KB)
Attachment D: Preparing for the FY 2005-2009 Child and Family Services Plan
HTML or PDF (88 KB)
Attachment E: Title IV-B Child and Family Services Plan: Assurances
HTML or PDF (144 KB)
Attachment F: CFS-101, Part I: Annual Budget Request for Title IV-B, Subparts 1 and 2, CAPTA, Chafee Foster Care Independence (CFCIP) and Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program Instructions
HTML or PDF (15 KB)
CFS-101, Part II: Annual Summary of Child and Family Services Instructions
HTML or PDF (17 KB)
CFS-101, Part II: Annual Summary of Child and Family Services Form
HTML or PDF (23 KB)
Attachment G: Regional Administrators
HTML or PDF (67 KB)