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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visitation Programs to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect Project
DePelchin Children's Center


Dickinson, Texas City, Santa Fe, and La Marque, Texas

Home Visiting Program Selected:

Positive Parenting Program

Home Visiting Target Population:

Families with children between 0-16 years old at risk for child maltreatment

Project Overview:
The DePelchin Children's Center will implement the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), in four high-need communities in southeast Texas through the establishment of the Healthy Solutions Program. The goals of the Healthy Solutions Program are: (1) to provide home based family support, prevention and parenting services to at-risk families; (2) to build upon existing infrastructure of collaborative partnerships to implement and sustain evidence-based home visitation programs; and (3) to contribute to the knowledge and research base of child abuse prevention through rigorous evaluation. DePelchin will work collaboratively with a broad range of local stakeholders to build an infrastructure and leverage existing funds and resources to ensure the sustainability of these services. To address concerns with continuity of care, DePelchin will develop a referral system for enrolled families. DePelchin will evaluate their home visiting approach through a randomized control evaluation.

Map of Evidence-Based Evidence-Based Home Visitation Programs (PDF - 106 KB)

Evidence-Based Evidence-Based Home Visitation Programs Project Description (PDF - 74 KB)