May 12, 2004


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004-2941


Dear Mr. Chairman:


In the Secretary’s August 25, 2003 report to you on suspect/counterfeit items (S/CI), the Department committed that, “Directives will be revised to reflect the process, and roles and responsibilities of the Office of Environment, Safety and Health (EH) and other organizations.  It is anticipated that DOE O 414.1, DOE G 414.1, DOE O 440.1A, and DOE G 440.1-6 will be revised to consolidate the SC/I process and requirements.  The EH internal process guide and checklists will be finalized and approved based on the approved directives.”  The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the status of the Department’s progress in this area.


DOE O 414.IB, Quality Assurance was issued April 29, 2004.  It supersedes the S/CI portions of DOE O 440.1A, Worker Protection Management of DOE Federal and

Contractor Employees, dated March 27, 1998 and cancelled Attachment 1, Paragraph 8, Suspect and Counterfeit Item (S/CI) Controls and Attachment 2, Paragraph 22, Suspect and Counterfeit Item (S/CI) Controls.  DOE O 414.1B also establishes the Office of Quality Assurance Programs, safety software responsibilities, and Corrective Action Management Program.


In the Secretary’s letter dated April 21, 2003, the Department anticipated revising DOE G 414.1, Quality Assurance Management System Guide for use with 10 CFR 830.120 and

DOE O 414.1.  Instead, a new Guide, DOE G 414.1-3, Suspect and Counterfeit Item Guide for use with 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, Quality Assurance Requirements and DOE O

414.IB, Quality Assurance was developed.  The Guide was drafted to incorporate the new EH S/CI Process and to update other S/CI information.  When issued, it will supersede DOE G 440.1-6, Suspect Counterfeit Items Guide for use with DOE O 440. 1, Worker Protection Management; 10 CFR 830.120; and DOE O 5700.6C, Quality Assurance, dated June 1997.  The new Guide is issued for review, comment and use in the Directives System.  Comments are due by June 30, 2004.  In addition, a working draft of the EH S/CI Process Guide was developed and is being used to implement the S/CI process as outlined in the Secretary’s August 25, 2003 report.  Once DOE G 414.1B is issued, the EH S/CI Process Guide will be finalized.  We currently anticipate completion of these activities in August 2004.  The attached table summarizes the Directives update status.


The issuance of DOE O 414.1B was a major accomplishment that included important contributions by your staff.  The guides described will enhance the ability of the Department to conduct quality work.  If you have any questions, please contact Richard H. Lagdon at (301) 903-4218, or me at (301) 903-8008.




Frank B. Russo

Deputy Assistant Secretary

for Corporate Performance Assessment




cc:  Mark B. Whitaker, DR-1

Richard H. Lagdon, EH-3 1

Frank E. Tooper, EH-32