April 27, 2004


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, N.W.

Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004


Dear Mr. Chairman:


In your letter of July 9, 2003, you requested that our site offices report on the scope and periodicity of the training assessment conducted as required by Department of Energy Order 5480.20A. In a letter dated October 2, 2003, I indicated that the Department of Energy Nevada Site Office would complete its training assessment of the Device Assembly Facility by the end of 2003. In order to maximize use of resources, the Nevada Site Office had planned to conduct the Device Assembly Facility training assessment in conjunction with the operational readiness review for the Device Assembly Facility Glove Box, which had been scheduled for October 2003. The date for that operational readiness review has slipped to May 2004, because additional time was required to address pre-operational issues The Nevada Site Office has informed me that even if the schedule changes again, they will complete the DAF training assessment no later than June 1, 2004.


Ms. Kathy Carlson, Manager, Nevada Site Office, is responsible for overseeing the training assessment. Please feel free to contact Ms. Carlson, or have your staff contact J.Nolan Bailey (702-295-1797) if you have any questions.




Everet H. Beckner

Deputy Administrator

for Defense Programs


cc: K. Carlson, DOE-NSO

M. Whitaker, DR-1

L. Brooks, NA-1