Glossary - HHS Grants Forecast

Browse the Glossary or click on a letter:
A | C | D | E | F | N | P


Agency/Sub-Agency - HHS is comprised of Operating Divisions or OPDIVs and the Office of the Secretary which has several Staff Divisions or STAFFDIVs. The HHS OPDIVs are as follows:
  • Administration on Aging (AoA)
  • Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Indian Health Service (IHS)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
    The Office of the Secretary STAFFDIVs that offers grants are:
  • Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Public Health and Science (OS/ASH/OPHS)
  • Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (OS/ASPR), whose grants are administered by OPHS
    Additional Eligibility Information - Provides any additional information on eligibility.
    Application Due Date Explanation - Provides any additional explanation involved with a forecasted funding opportunity and its due date.
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    CFDA Number - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): An online database of all federal programs available to state and local governments, federally-recognized Indian tribal governments, territories and possessions of the United States, domestic public, quasi-public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions, specialized groups, and individuals.
    Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement - Describes if a portion of project or program costs will not be borne by the Federal government.
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    Description - Provides a brief summary of the forecasted funding opportunity.
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    Eligibility Category - Details the types of organizations that are eligible to apply for a specific program announcement. Types of organizations may include state, local and tribal governments and educational organizations, non- and for-profit organizations, small businesses, and, in come cases, individuals.
    Estimated Application Due Date - The projected application due date for this funding opportunity.
    Estimated Award Ceiling - The highest estimated amount to be funded annually per award.
    Estimated Award Date - Estimated date the award is to be made.
    Estimated Award Floor - The lowest estimated amount to be funded annually per award.
    Estimated Post Date - The date the agency expects to post the funding opportunity announcement on and thus have it available to the public.
    Estimated Start Date - Estimated start date of the award.
    Estimated Total Funding - Total amount of anticipated funding under this funding opportunity.
    Expected Number of Awards - The number of awards the awarding agency anticipates funding.
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    Federal Agency Contact - Program Contact information includes the Name of the official contact person in the funding opportunity announcement and that person’s phone Number and Email address. Questions about the program announcement’s purpose or proposed activities should be directed to the Program Contact.
    Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that the forecasted funding opportunity expects to be available to the public.
    Forecast ID Number - A system-generated number used to track opportunities from draft to publication.
    Funding Activity Category - Categorizes the types of funding activities available. These categories are related to the funding opportunity’s CFDA number. If more than one CFDA number, use the categorization based upon the primary CFDA number.
    Funding Instrument Type Code(s) - The distinguishing feature between a grant and cooperative agreement is that, under a cooperative agreement, substantial involvement is anticipated between the awarding office and the recipient during performance of the funded activity.
    Funding Opportunity Number - The number that a federal agency assigns to its forecasted funding opportunity.
    Funding Opportunity Title - The title that a federal agency assigns to its forecasted funding opportunity.
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    New Opportunity - A new opportunity means that this will be the first time the program to be funded was ever authorized, appropriated, or offered for competition.


    Program Funding Type - Indicates whether the opportunity is to be discretionary or mandatory.
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      Disclaimer:The HHS Grants Forecast records are advisory only and may be updated throughout the fiscal year. If an opportunity is funded, it will be officially announced on