Browse by Category

  All Grant Opportunities
  Community Development
  Employment, Labor, & Training
  Environment Quality-Research, Education, Training
  • Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health_General (8)
  • Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health_Planning (8)
  • Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health_Research (7)
  • Communicable Diseases (15)
  • Education and Training (47)
  • Facility Planning and Construction (15)
  • General Health and Medical Services (24)
  • Health Research_General (13)
  • Health Services Planning and Technical Assistance (61)
  • Indian Health Services (4)
  • Libraries, Information, and Educational Services (1)
  • Maternity, Infants, and Children (26)
  • Mental Health Services (7)
  • Prevention and Control (18)
  • Program Development (40)
  • Specialized Health Research and Training (33)
  • Uncategorized Health (1)
      Income Security & Social Services
  • Disabled and Handicapped Services (11)
  • Family and Child Welfare Services (28)
  • Indian Services (4)
  • Information and Referral Services (14)
  • Legal and Advocacy Services (6)
  • Nutrition (4)
  • Old Age Assistance (6)
  • Prevention (4)
  • Public Assistance (2)
  • Refugee, Alien Services (3)
  • Research, Demonstration (11)
  • Specialized Family and Child Welfare Services (13)
  • Specialized Services (7)
  • Training Assistance (6)
  • Youth Services (3)
  • Uncategorized Income Security & Social Services (1)
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      Disclaimer:The HHS Grants Forecast records are advisory only and may be updated throughout the fiscal year. If an opportunity is funded, it will be officially announced on