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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Boring Lava Field, Oregon and Washington State
Miscellaneous Images

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Boring Lava Field
Aerial Photo, section of the Boring Lava Field, click to enlarge [Image,175K,JPG]
USGS Aerial Photo - section of the Boring Lava Field, Portland, Oregon, 2001

Battle Ground Lake, Washington
Aerial Photo, Battle Ground Lake, click to enlarge [Image,120K,JPG]
USGS Aerial Photo - Battle Ground Lake, Washington, 1990

Green Mountain, Washington
Image, Green Mountain from the roof of CVO, click to enlarge [Image,85K,JPG]
Green Mountain as seen from the roof of CVO. View is from the south. Green Mountain (804 feet) is located in Washington State, east of Vancouver.
-- USGS Photo by Gene Iwatsubo, June 13, 2003

Mount Tabor, Oregon
Aerial Photo, Mount Tabor, click to enlarge [Image,163K,JPG]
USGS Aerial Photo - Mount Tabor, Portland, Oregon, 2000

Powell Butte, Oregon
Aerial Photo, Powell Butte, click to enlarge [Image,140K,JPG]
USGS Aerial Photo - Powell Butte, Portland, Oregon, 2001

Rocky Butte, Oregon
Aerial Photo, Rocky Butte, click to enlarge [Image,144K,JPG]
USGS Aerial Photo - Rocky Butte, Portland, Oregon, 2001

Image, click to enlarge [Image,135K,JPG]
Aerial view of the Columbia River, Portland International Airport, and cones of the Boring Lava Field. Rocky Butte is the Boring Lava cone visible behind the airport. Vancouver, Washington, is in the foreground.
-- USGS Photo by: Lyn Topinka, July 21, 1983

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01/05/07, Lyn Topinka