Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Sep 2008 Issue arrow 9.12 The Punch List
NewsCastle - The Punch List Print

Vol. 38 No. 9       A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers        September 2008

The Punch List

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contractor, Ceres Environmental, in coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation, continues its FEMA-directed debris removal mission along interstate 45, in Galveston Sept 21.  The Corps has contracted crews and more than 80 trucks to help clear the interstate of debris.  Once these rights-of-way are cleared, Corps debris teams will clear state highways on Galveston Island.  (US Army Corps of Engineers photo by Brooks O. Hubbard IV)

Oil tankers await the opening of the Port of Galveston Sept 22.  The port was closed after Hurricane Ike ripped through the Gulf coast island. The Corps of Engineers completed surveys to determine the channel depth and to locate any sunken objects.  The Corps has lead responsibility for conducting and reporting channel condition surveys, removing sunken vessels in the channel and performing maintenance dredging. (US Army Corps of Engineers photo by Brooks O. Hubbard IV)




Trilby Wash, Luke Air Force Base - Outlet works showing Siphon Walls. March 27, 1956

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