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Agenda of Second Workshop

(September 29 - October 2, 2002)

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Williamsburg Hospitality House
415 Richmond Road
Williamsburg, Virginia USA 23185-3536
Phone: +1 757 229-4020 Fax: +1 757 220-1560

Overall Objectives

The general objective of the program is to improve our understanding and prediction of the transport, transformation, and fate of sediment and particle-bound nutrients and contaminants. A tangible goal of the program is to produce, as program products, advanced numerical models of coastal sediment transport that are scientifically sound, expertly coded, well tested, and suitable for use in both research and practical applications. In addition to producing computer codes, this program will also produce model infrastructure, including a system for managing model development, testing, documentation, and distribution; development of model test cases; development and distribution of modeling tools (pre- and post-processing software, for example); and a forum for exchange of scientific and technical information related to coastal sediment transport modeling.

The main objective of this meeting is the design of a research program that could be funded by an agency with a broad mandate (like NOPP). We need to discuss, prioritize, and reach consensus (or at least define our various positions) on the following key questions.

  • Why do we need coastal sediment-transport models?
  • Why is a community approach advantageous?
  • What is the appropriate framework for developing a community modeling system?
  • What are the next steps, and what are the most important scientific and technical challenges we should address in building a community modeling system?


The format of the workshop is designed to achieve these objectives. Invited talks are intended to motivate discussion about community model applications or state of our knowledge in key aspects of sediment-transport modeling. Contributed poster sessions and a model animation "film-festival" will allow participants to present ongoing research. Breakout sessions are intended to revise the white paper, prioritize program components, and achieve consensus on goals and immediate objectives of a proposed research program. The final product will be a workshop report that, ideally, will provide a template for a research program.


Sunday Sept 29

1800 - 2130
Reception (cash bar) and hors d'oevres

Monday Sept 30

AM Plenary Session
0830 Welcome and overviews
0900 Don Wright - Relationship between coastal observation systems and models
0930 Bruce Ebersole - USACE applications and large-scale test facilities
1000 Break
1030 Earl Hayter- Coastal sediment transport modeling requirements -EPA perspective
1100 Kevin Farley - Modeling the Hudson Estuary
1130 Danny Reible - Challenges in modeling contaminant fluxes and transformation
1200 Lunch

PM Breakout Groups
1300 Charge to breakout groups
1330 Breakout sessions: Definition and justification of community sediment transport models (what? why?)
1500 Break
1630 Report from breakout groups
1730 Done for the day
Dinner - no formal plans

Tuesday Oct 1

AM Plenary Session
0830 Report from breakout groups and discussion
0930 John Allen - Research issues in modeling shelf circulation
1000 Break
1030 Hans Burchard - Advances in turbulence models
1100 J. Dungan Smith - Lessons from fluvial sediment transport
1130 Gary Taghon - Particle transport in the coastal ocean - biological considerations
1200 Lunch

PM Breakout Sessions
1300 Charge to breakout groups
1330 Breakout sessions: Working towards a Community Sediment Transport Model (how? where? who?)
1500 Break
1530 Report from breakout groups
1600 Van pooling to VIMS
1630 Model presentation film festival at VIMS auditorium
1730 Reception and optional tour at VIMS
1930 Dinner at VIMS

Wednesday Oct 2

AM Plenary Session
0830 Report from Breakout Groups
Draft recommendations for NOPP RFP
1200 Workshop Adjourned

1530 (Optional) Seminar at VIMS - Scott Glenn - The evolution of the NJ Shelf Observing System

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