Argonne National Laboratory

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The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) is one of four DOE-supported Collaborative Research Centers that provide leading edge instrumentation and expertise to a large and diverse group of users in the National Laboratories, universities and industry.  These four centers are: 

  • The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC), Argonne National Laboratory
    The EMC maintains a leading international role in research on in situ studies of transformations and defect processes, ion beam modification and irradiation effects, superconductors, ferroelectrics and interfaces. Its high and intermediate voltage electron microscopes coupled with a Tandem accelerator represent the only such system in the US. The EMC also has resident expertise in instrumentation design, microcharacterization technique development and telepresence collaboration.

  • Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMM), University of Illinois

    The CMM is a world-class facility characterized by the entirety of its complementary array of microstructural and microchemical instrumentation in one location. It places emphasis on in-situ materials science at the atomic scale and has developed several unique instruments permitting dynamic studies in surface, interface, and thin film science as well as deformation processes in aggressive environments.

  • National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    The NCEM maintains world class capabilities in atomic resolution electron microscopy. The facility features several unique instruments, complemented by strong expertise in computer image simulation and analysis. The center also maintains one-of-a-kind instruments for imaging of magnetic materials, and develops techniques and instrumentation for dynamic in-situ experimentation.

  • Shared Research Equipment User Facility (ShaRE), Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    SHaRE is a leading facility for the microscopy and microanalysis of materials, with an emphasis on analytical microscopy. ShaRE maintains a suite of analytical electron microscopes, atom probe field ion microscopes and mechanical properties microprobes, with particular application to the development of alloys and structural ceramics, and the study of interfacial segregation, radiation effects, microtexture and residual stress. SHaRE provides a unique resource for atom probe field ion microscopy and for the microcharacterization of radioactive specimens on a routine basis.

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