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Tools and Worksheets

The following tools related to Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Prospective Payment System (PPS) are now available in the Downloads section below.

  • IPFPPS Contractor Training Guide - Contains Overview, Payment and Billing Information
  • PowerPoint Presentation for 2005 Conference IPF PPS and ESRD Contractor Training
  • Comorbidity Codes Chart
  • Comorbidity Codes Worksheet
  • Code First Table
  • IPF PPS Payment Calculator (2005)
  • IPF PPS Payment Calculator (contains updates outlined in the latest proposed rule)

Comorbidity Codes Chart [PDF 56KB]

Comorbidity Codes Worksheet [Excel Zipped, 54KB]

Code First Table [PDF, 10KB]

IPF PPS Payment Calculator

Inpatient Psychiatric Facility PPS Calculator RY 2009 with MS-DRGs [Excel/Zip 123KB]

Inpatient Psychiatric Facility PPS Calculator RY 2008 with MS-DRGs [Excel/Zip 101KB]

RY 2008 - [ZIP, 101KB]

RY 2007 - [ZIP, 101KB]

2005 - [ZIP, 83KB]

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Page Last Modified: 10/07/2008 3:47:18 PM
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