Adjacent Landowner Information

KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES at Town Bluff Project/B. A. Steinhagen LAKE


     In keeping with the flood damage reduction, environmental stewardship and recreation mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this publication is designed to acquaint adjoining property owners, residents, and other interested persons with the rules and regulations that apply to the management of public lands and flowage easements at Town Bluff Project/B. A. Steinhagen Lake. Maintaining the integrity of project purposes is given primary consideration in all management decisions to insure the maximum use and enjoyment of the lake lands and waters by present and future generations of Americans.
     While private, exclusive use of public lands is not allowed, all citizens, including property owners adjacent to public lands, enjoy the same rights and privileges. One of the most valued privileges is that of pedestrian access to most of the public lands surrounding the lake.  With the exception of certain controlled access park areas and secure operational areas, most public land at Corps lakes is open to public pedestrian traffic.   


     Land which is owned by the Federal government consists of the land inundated by B. A. Steinhagen Lake at the conservation (normal) pool elevation of
82.5 ft. above mean sea level, as well as a strip of land of varying width which surrounds the lake when the lake is at the conservation pool elevation. The limits of this public land are defined by the U.S. boundary line, the corners of which are marked by concrete monuments. These monuments, or boundary markers, are topped with a brass cap which is usually about four inches above ground level.  At some lakes the brass caps may be mounted on rocks or on metal pipes as well.   The U.S. boundary line may or may not be delineated by a fence or orange blazing on line trees.
    If you have questions about the location of the government property boundary, contact the Town Bluff Project Office at (409) 429-3491. A field appointment with a Corps ranger can be scheduled to assist you in locating the boundary or in obtaining answers to any other questions you may have concerning the management of public land.   Written inquiries may be addressed to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Town Bluff Project Office
890 FM 92
Woodville, Texas 75979



1.    Apply for a permit to mow or clear underbrush to reduce a potential fire hazard or pest infestation.              
Please contact the Town Bluff Project Office for more information.
2.   Apply for a license to place a waterline across and under Government property to the lake for the
      purpose of withdrawing water for private use. Water rights must be obtained from the Lower
      Neches Valley Authority before approval will be granted. In the interest of protecting tree roots,  
      erodible soils or scenic vistas, applications for waterlines may be modified or denied.
3.  Construct a wire or metal fence to, or along, the Government boundary line.
4.   Have pedestrian access to public land except those areas specifically restricted.


 1.    Any type of private exclusive use.
  2.   Placement of unattended personal property of any kind on public land for more than 24 hours.
  3   Construct buildings, roads, improved pathways or any other facilities on public land.
  4.  Restricting public access either  verbally, by posting signs, or by any other method.      .
  5.  Operating motorized vehicles except when operated on paved roadways and at authorized
       access points.
  6.  Dispose of any type of garbage, debris, or other refuse on public land.
  7.  Build fires on public land, except in authorized locations
  8.  Gathering firewood.
  9.   Allow horses, cattle, or other livestock on public land, except by lease from the government or
       as otherwise permitted.
10.  Destroy, alter, or remove any facility, vegetation, or natural, historical, or cultural feature.  
       Removal of trees or shrubs to enhance one’s view of the lake is illegal. 
11. Use of fireworks
12.  Camping except in designated camping areas



     Perpetual flowage easement estates were acquired by the Federal Government on certain private lands that adjoin public land in the Town Bluff Project area. These flowage easements grant to the government full, complete, and perpetual right, power, privilege, and easement to occasionally overflow, flood, and submerge lands in connection with the operation and maintenance of the lake. Flowage easement lands around Town Bluff Project are located in three specific locations:  north of U.S. Highway 190 just east of Walnut Ridge Park, north of Magnolia Ridge Park at the Neches River, and the extreme northern portion of the Project between the Angelina and Neches Rivers.  With few exceptions, these flowage easements grant the Federal government the right to prevent human habitation on the flowage easement and to prevent any activity that would limit the government’s ability to periodically store flood water on the land.

    In some instances, the reference to a flowage easement restriction is omitted during the preparation of new deeds during changes in property ownership. This omission does not diminish the legality or validity of flowage easement restrictions over the property involved.  



1.    Mowing, clearing, planting vegetation.
2.    Selling or leasing the land to others, subject to all restrictions contained in the flowage
       easement instrument.
3.   Constructing a wire or metal fence to or along the Government boundary line.


1.    Constructing or maintaining any structure for human habitation or buildings for commercial
       purposes, permanent or temporary.
2.    Placing fill material within the easement, raising the land above the flowage easement
       contour, or altering the location of the flowage easement contour.
3.    Placing or constructing any other structures or appurtenances to existing structures on the
       flowage easement  land without prior written approval of the District Engineer.
      “Other Structures” are construed to mean any structure of any kind including but not
       limited to fill material, buildings, ramps, ditches, channels, dams, dikes,
       wells, earthen tanks, roads, utility lines, and tramways.

1.    With written approval, most structures, other than a building or structure designed or intended
       to be used for human habitation or commercial  purposes, structures that cause a loss of flood
       storage capacity, or structures designed to store petroleum or hazardous products, can be
       constructed on flowage easement land.
2.   With  respect to construction of water wells, sewer lines, or septic systems, each case will be
       examined to ensure that pollution of the lake or interference with the operation of the reservoir
       will not occur. All proposed sewer line and septic system installations must have prior approval of
       city, county or state health departments. State law requires that septic system installations
       must be located a minimum of 75 feet in horizontal distance up slope from the contour line of
       85 feet above mean sea level.


      All requests for construction or placement of any structure or facility on Government land or                                flowage easement lands must include the following:

1.   A letter of application which includes the type of request, the applicant’s name, address,
       and phone number(s), the sub-division, lot, and section (if applicable), and the
       nearest monument number (if possible). 
2.   Detailed design plans of the proposed work.
3.   A map showing the location of the proposed action and the relationship with the U.S. boundary
       line and flowage easement contour if applicable.
4.   Written approval from the appropriate agencies.

Please address all permit applications or other correspondence to:

                                                                                  LAKE MANAGER
                                                                   TOWN BLUFF PROJECT OFFICE
                                                                                       890 FM 92
                                                                        WOODVILLE, TEXAS 75979

We are engaged in preserving and restoring natural scenic beauty at Town Bluff Project and we appreciate any effort on your part to assist in this effort  on both public and flowage easement lands. Your assistance in erosion control, pollution abatement, restoring native plant communities, and related activities on adjacent land will help keep lake areas clean and beautiful for all Americans to enjoy.




















This site last updated on April 14, 2008