School Liaisons

General Description

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The vision of the School Liaison Program is to coordinate and assist school aged children of military parents with educational opportunities and information necessary to succeed in an academic environment. School liaison officers also network, educate and work in partnership with local schools to provide caring adults to enhance the education experience.

The mission of the School Liaison is to provide military commanders with the support necessary to coordinate and advise military parents of school-aged children on educational issues and needs and to assist in solving education-related problems.

The goals of the program are to identify barriers to academic success and develop solutions; promote parental involvement in their children's education; develop and coordinate partnerships in education; provide parents with the tools they need to overcome obstacles to education that stem from the military lifestyle; and to promote and educate local communities and schools regarding the needs of military children.


The Army has an active School Liaison Officer program on each of its installations. The Army School Liaison Officers (SLO) serve the Active, National Guard/Army Reserve/ Accessions Commands and geographically dispersed Families within a one hour distance of their installation. Army School Liaison Officers (SLO) act as primary advisors to garrison command staff on matters relating to schools serving the installation. They work closely with local school personnel to identify and resolve issues that impact transition military students, serve as “ombudsmen” between military Families and schools during in and out processing periods, and encourage school systems to become Secondary Education Transition Study Memorandum of Agreement Signatories.

Army Installation Management Command Region School Transition Specialist (STS) have been hired at the six Region offices to help establish an Army infrastructure that facilitates the adoption of reciprocal practices among and across school systems in their assigned geographical areas. The intent is to ease school transitions for mobile military students. STS work closely with installation School Liaison Officers to elevate systematic school transition issues to be addressed from an Army wide policy and/or procedural perspective. The STS serve as the point of contact for school issues for our geographically dispersed Families that are not close to an Army installation.

To find an Army School Liaison Officer (SLO) on a specific installation or Army School Transition Specialist, call Child, Youth and School (CYS) Services or consult the Army School Liaison Directory.

Marine Corps

The education and welfare of school age children is a quality of life issue. Marine Corps families experience challenges with reciprocity and quality of education from location to location. School-age children are as transient as their military parents, and they may encounter transition and academic problems. The majority of Marine Corps dependents attend public schools both on and off the installation. To assist parents and commanders in interacting with local schools and in responding to education transition issues, a School Liaison position was provided at each Marine Corps installation.

School Liaisons (SLs) support transitioning families in obtaining educational information and assistance from local school districts. The role and active involvement of the Installation Commander is critical to the success of the SL program. The USMC SL role is very comprehensive and is adapted at each installation according to the needs of the community. Some of their roles include:

Consult the Marine Corps School Liaison Directory.


The Navy is implementing K-12 support to military families through Child and Youth Education Services at all major Navy installations. Navy School Liaison Officers can be contacted through the local Child and Youth Programs office, Fleet and Family Support Center, or using the Navy School Liaison Officer Directory.

Air Force

Each Air Force base has a point-of-contact (POC) for local military child education matters. This POC advocates for the educational needs of military children, assists Airmen and families with information and referrals regarding local school districts and other education options including home schooling, private schools, charter schools, and cyber schools, and ensures a communication link with inbound or outbound family members for educational issues. Please call or visit the Airman and Family Readiness Center on any Air Force Installation for more information.

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