Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 4-8. Milestones for Improving Planning and Decisionmaking

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
Advanced Travel Forecasting Procedures (TRANSIMS)    
Use simulation technologies to understand the impact of travel, by time of day, on overall mobility x x
Center for Environmental Excellence    
Promote the advancement of Context-Sensitive Solutions x x
Identify and promote technology and geospatial innovations x x
Strategic Highway Research Program II    
Develop framework for collaborative decisionmaking on additions to highway capacity x x
Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research    
Develop and/or support accurate models for evaluating transportation control measures x x
Develop indicators of economic, social, and environmental performance of transportation systems to facilitate alternative analysis x x
Transportation, Economics, and Land Use System    
Use TELUS to assist States and MPOs in the development of transportation improvement programs and other transportation planning initiatives x x
Identify Practices and Technologies to Control Capital and Operating Costs    
Provide enhanced tools and methods for technical planning x x
Develop improved models of the performance of bus operations x  
Develop voluntary industry standards x x