Frequently Asked Questions

1. What vehicle restrictions are in effect on Corps of Engineer areas?
All vehicles including motorcycles, all terrain vehicles (ATV's), bicycles, automobiles, trucks, and any other vehicles (see CFR Title 36, Section 327.2 for vehicle definition) are prohibited off of developed roadways.

2. Why can't I reserve a particular camp site?

The most common problem with this are that the sites are non-reservable and only available at that park. The next reason are that the site has been closed for maintenance or there may also be a reservation already on that site.

3. What jobs are available?

The most current and reliable information is available via the Internet. Army posts vacancies on two web sites. These are the Army Employment site and OPM USAJOBS. By accessing these sites you can view current vacancy announcements.

4. What is flowage easement property? Can I build on it?

Flowage Easement property is property that is privately owned but on which the Government has the right to flood if need be.  Elevations vary from lake to lake.

Landowners are not allowed to build any structure intended for human habitation; nor are they allowed to do anything that will change the elevation of the land.  Decks, swimming pools, sewer lines, and other structures may be allowed depending on individual circumstances and the location of the particular property.  Each case is handled on a case-by-case basis.

5. Do Park Rangers do programs? How can I arrange one?

Park Rangers do all sorts of programs for schools, church groups, scout groups, day care centers and other organizations.  Contact a park ranger at the Proctor Lake project office at 254-879-2424.  Programs can be customized for time and age groups. We can get busy during the late spring and summer months, so it is a good idea to call as early as possible. 

6. Where is a good place to fish on Proctor Lake?

Fish usually seek out places where they can find food and shelter, such as stumpy and rocky areas.  Many individuals have their own secret lucky spots; finding your own is half the fun of fishing!  Be aware that areas around the dam structure and the stilling basin are off limits. Please be sure you are not fishing on boat ramps or courtesy docks.


This site last updated on February 12, 2008

Proctor Lake