Hiking Trails at Lake Proctor


Lake Proctor
Horse and Hiking Trails at High Point Park

 High Point Special Use Area

 Camping is not allowed unless you are with an organized group, or trail ride.... (i.e. a TETRA trail ride, Scout troops, church groups, GeoCaching events.) Permits are available through the Corps of Engineers Lake Office at Lake Proctor. The remainder of the park is open for day use. The parking area is open to everyone and you can enter the trails through a trail head on either side of the day use parking area.

If you have any questions about the trails, please feel free to contact TETRA by phone 325-356-3355 or by email conway_vet@hotmail.com , or the Proctor Lake Office at 254-879-2424.

Please help us keep this public area open, and to make everyone's visit more enjoyable, by observing the following:

Pack in, Trash out.

Be courteous to all users.

Hikers yield to horses.

Pets must be on a lash; please pick up after them.


Stay on the designated trails. No trail blazing!



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This site last updated on June 27, 2007

Proctor Lake