Lake Information

The lake provides 310,100 acre-feet of flood storage capacity. It provides flood protection to about 40,200 acres of agricultural land below the dam. The lake assists in reducing flood damages to about 1,053,600 acres along the Brazos River below the mouth of the Little River.

The lake has a conservation storage capacity of 31,400 acre-feet at the top of the conservation pool (Elevation 1162.0 feet) for municipal water supply and other beneficial uses.

Dam Statistics

  • Type, rolled earth fill
  • Length, including spillway, feet.....13,460
  • Height above stream bed, feet..............86
  • Width, crown, feet..............................30
  • Top elevation of dam, feet above
  • mean sea level................................1,206.0
  • Gate-controlled, net length at crest, feet...440
  • Crest, Elevation above mean
  • sea level, feet.......................................1,162.0
  • Eleven tainter gates, each 40 feet wide by 35 feet high
  • Two gate-controlled conduits,
  • each 36 inches in diameter
  • Flood control pool
    • Top elevation, above mean sea
    • Level, feet.............................................1,197.0
    • Capacity, acre-feet..........................310,100
    • Area, acres.......................................14,010
  • Conservation pool
    • Top elevation, above mean sea
    • Level, feet.....................................................1,162.0
    • Capacity, acre-feet....................................31,400
    • Area, acres.................................................4,610
    • Shoreline, miles................................................38
    • Sediment reserve, acre-feet........................32,700
    • Total storage capacity, acre-feet...............374,000
    • Stream bed, approximate elevation above
    • mean sea level, feet.......................................1,120.0



This site last updated on April 18, 2007

Proctor Lake
April 18, 2007