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Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission (Proposed Drafts and Updates)


Instructions for Submitting Comments*
Step 1: Identify the "specific text" you are commenting on;
Step 2: Write The specific proposed text changes (Rewrite the text the way it should read); and
Step 3: Include the supporting scientific rationale for your proposed change of the text.

(All comments should be clearly stated, specific to the text within the proposed document, and supported by a scientific rationale.)*

The following 8 chapters are either new or have been completely re-written, therefore, you may comment on any part of each document. Please identify the article in the chapter you are commenting on, propose new language (if any) and provide a scientific rationale for your proposed language.

Note: Please do not use the automatic 'track-change' function provided by word processing software as such changes are lost in the OIE's process of collating submitted comments into the Code Commissions working documents.

Section 1

October 2008 Report (comments due by January 14, 2009)

Draft Proposals January 2009
Comments Submitted to OIE
Crayfish Plague (pdf) (rtf)  
Criteria to assess the safety of aquatic animal commodities irrespective of country disease status (pdf) (rtf)  
Criteria to assess the safety of aquatic animal commodities (pdf) (rtf)  
Milky haemolymph disease of spiny lobsters (pdf) (rtf)  
Model International aquatic animals health certificatesand products of aquatic animal origin (pdf) (rtf)  
Necrotising hepatopancreatitis (pdf) (rtf)  
Quality and evaluation of competent authorities (pdf) (rtf)  
Welfare of farmed fish during transport (pdf) (rtf)  

Section 2

There are (6) chapters for comment in Section 2. You may comment on the proposed changes in the documents. Text proposed for deletion has a strike-through and text proposed to be added is double underlined. Again, please identify the article in the chapter you are commenting on, propose new language (if any) and provide a scientific rationale for your change.

October 2008 Report (comments due by January 14, 2009)

Draft Proposals January 2009
Comments Submitted to OIE
Definitions (pdf) (rtf)  
Diseases listed by the OIE (pdf) (rtf)  
General obligations related to certification (pdf) (rtf)  
Handling and disposal of carcasses and wastes of aquatic animals (pdf) (rtf)  
Handling and disposal of carcasses and wastes of aquatic animals certification procedures (pdf) (rtf)  
Revised articles (pdf) (rtf)  

March and October 2007 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE

March 2007 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE

October 2006 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE

March 2006 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE

January 2005 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE


Last Modified: December 15, 2008