Argonne National Laboratory

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Bernd Kabius

Principal Investigator

Materials Science Divsion; Bldg. 212
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne IL 60439

phone: 630-252-3254
fax: 630-252-4289

Bernd Kabius is a Materials Scientist and member of the Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research. He received his B.S. in and Ph.D. in Materials Science, both from the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg in Germany. The topic of his thesis research, supported by the German Science foundation, was the selective corrosion of binary alloys, which was investigated using electrochemical and TEM measurement techniques. Most of his scientific work about interfaces and defects of high-Tc superconductors was done at the research center in Jülich where he remained between 1987 and 1999. During the development of the first Cs-corrected TEM he worked from 1986 to 1987 in Heidelberg in the group of Max Heider and he focused his interest on the application Cs - corrected transmission electron microscopes. In 1999 he joined the LEO Elektronenmikrosopie GmbH as a material scientist in the TEM department and was involved in the projects SATEM and SESAMe. Since July 2001 he is working at the Material Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory were he is working on the NTEAM project.

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