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Yasuo Ito

Visiting Scientist

Materials Science Divsion; Bldg. 212
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne IL 60439

phone: 630-252-7690
fax: 630-252-4289

Yasuo Ito received a B. Eng. in Applied Physics in 1982, an M. Eng. in Pure and Applied Physics in 1984 from Waseda University, Tokyo Japan, and Ph.D. in Physics in 1999 from the University of Cambridge, England. His thesis research was on fabrication and characterization of nanometer structures by direct electron beam writing using scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM) and conventional TEM. This research was supported by the Overseas Research Student Award, UK and Telecom Australia (now Telstra) Research Laboratories, Melbourne, Australia, where he was a research scientist between 1984 and 1996. After completing post-doctoral research at Lehigh University (1997-1999) and the University of Illinois at Chicago (1999-2001), in 2001 he joined the Physics Department at Northern Illinois University as Assistant Professor and also was appointed as a Resident Associate in the Materials Science Division at Argonne. Currently his main research interests are the correlation between atomic structure, defect structure, and electronic structure of anisotropic materials such as complex electronic oxides, and in device structures by TEM/STEM and related spectroscopic methods such as electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Additional research activity includes formation of nanostructures by electron beam methods. Outside of his research, he is a keen violin player.

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