THALLIUM (Data in kilograms of thallium content, unless noted) Domestic Production and Use: Thallium is a byproduct metal recovered in some countries from flue dusts and residues collected in the smelting of copper, zinc, and lead ores. Although thallium was contained in ores mined or processed in the United States, it was not recovered domestically in 1995. The estimated value of thallium consumed in 1995 was $210,000. Research and development in the use of thallium-base superconductor materials accounted for a significant portion of the thallium consumed domestically in 1995. Thallium also was used in electronics, alloys, glass manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals. Salient Statistics--United States: 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995e/ Imports for consumption1/ 1,013 838 273 630 700 Exports NA NA NA NA NA Consumptione/ 850 800 300 630 700 Price, metal, dollars per kilogram2/ 190 230 230 285 300 Net import reliance3/ as a percent of apparent consumption 100 100 100 100 100 Recycling: None. Import Sources (1991-94): Belgium, 69%; Canada, 27%; and United Kingdom, 4%. Tariff: Item Number Most favored nation (MFN)4/ Non-MFN5/ 12/31/95 12/31/95 Unwrought waste and scrap 8112.91.6000 5.2% ad val. 25% ad val. Depletion Allowance: 14% (Domestic), 14% (Foreign). Government Stockpile: None. Prepared by Gerald R. Smith, (703) 648-4983. THALLIUM Events, Trends, and Issues: Research and development activities of both a basic and applied nature were conducted during 1995 to improve and expand the use of thallium. These experimental activities concerned essentially all existing uses of thallium as well as its potential use in superconductor alloys. Thallium metal and its compounds are highly toxic materials and are strictly controlled to prevent a threat to humans and the environment. Thallium and its compounds can be absorbed into the human body by skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation of dust or fumes. World Mine Production, Reserves, and Reserve Base:6/ Mine production Reserves7/ Reserve base7/ 1994 1995 United States (8/) (8/) 32,000 120,000 Other countries 15,000 15,000 350,000 530,000 World total (may be rounded) 15,000 15,000 380,000 650,000 World Resources: World resources of thallium contained in zinc resources are about 17 million kilograms, most of which is in Europe, Canada, and the United States. An additional 630 million kilograms is in the world's coal resources. The average thallium content of the Earth's crust has been estimated at 0.7 parts per million. Substitutes: While other light-sensitive materials can substitute for thallium and its compounds in specific electronic applications, ample supplies of thallium discourage development of substitute materials. e/Estimated. NA Not available. 1/Unwrought and waste and scrap, including thallium contained in compounds. 2/Estimated price of 99.99%-pure metal. 3/Defined as imports - exports + adjustments for Government and industry stock changes. 4/No tariff for Canada according to North American Free Trade Agreement. 5/See Appendix B. 6/Estimates, based on thallium content of zinc ores. 7/See Appendix C for definitions. 8/Thallium contained in mined base metal ores, estimated at 450 to 500 kilograms per year, is separated from the base metals but not extracted for commercial use. Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 1996