IODINE (Data in thousand kilograms, elemental iodine, unless noted) Domestic Production and Use: Iodine produced in 1995 from companies operating in Oklahoma accounted for 100% of the elemental iodine value estimated at $20 million. The operation at Woodward, OK, continued production of iodine from subterranean brines. A second company operated a miniplant in Kingfisher County, OK, using waste brine associated with oil production. A third company continued production at Vici, OK, and exported iodine to Germany. Of the consumers that participate in the annual survey, 25 plants reported consumption of iodine in 1994. Major consumers were located in the East. Prices of crude iodine in drums published in October ranged between $11.50 and $12.50 per kilogram. Imports of iodine through July averaged $9.32 per kilogram. Establishing an accurate end-use pattern for iodine was difficult because intermediate iodine compounds were marketed before reaching their final end uses. The downstream uses of iodine were as animal feed supplements, catalysts, inks and colorants, pharmaceutical, photographic equipment, sanitary and industrial disinfectants, stabilizers, and other uses. Salient Statistics--United States: 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995e/ Production 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,600 1,800 Imports for consumption, crude content 3,600 3,700 3,600 4,400 4,300 Exports 1,300 1,800 1,200 1,300 1,300 Shipments from Government stockpile excesses 36 115 0.045 218 17 Consumption: Apparent 4,300 3,900 4,300 4,800 4,800 Reported 3,200 3,400 3,500 3,600 NA Price, average c.i.f. value, dollars per kilogram, crude 10.16 9.03 7.98 7.56 9.32 Stocks, producer, yearend NA NA NA NA NA Employment, processing plant 50 50 35 35 35 Net import reliance1/ as a percent of apparent consumption 54 52 56 66 62 Recycling: Small amounts of iodine were recycled, but no data are available. Import Sources (1991-94): Japan, 53%; Chile, 46%; and other, 1%. Tariff: Item Number Most favored nation (MFN) Non-MFN2/ 12/31/95 12/31/95 Iodine, crude 2801.20.0000 Free Free. Iodide, calcium and cuprous 2827.60.1000 Free 25% ad val. Iodide, potassium 2827.60.2000 2.8% ad val. 7.5% ad val. Depletion Allowance: 5% on brine wells (Domestic and Foreign); 14% on solid minerals (Domestic), 14% (Foreign). Government Stockpile: Stockpile Status--9-30-95 Uncommitted Committed Authorized Disposals Material inventory inventory for disposal Jan.-Sept. 95 Stockpile-grade 2,360 18 2,360 17 Prepared by Phyllis A. Lyday, (703) 648-7713. IODINE Events, Trends, and Issues: Japan continued to be the largest producer of iodine in the world. Production was primarily from underground brines associated with gas production. Chile was the second largest producer with three companies producing iodine during the year. Two satellite plants of the world's largest iodine producer based in Chile, that closed during 1994 were reopened in June 1995. The plants are located 100 kilometers from the main iodine mines. Production and sales of iodine derivatives from the largest company were primarily to South America, Africa, and Asia. The company announced plans to increase iodine production by 2,000 metric tons per year to a total of 5,000 metric tons per year. In October the company entered into a joint venture with a U.S. domestic consumer. The U.S. domestic company also had iodine derivatives facilities in France that sold primarily in North America and Europe that were part of the agreement. The U.S. Government announced sales of stockpiled iodine in March and September; 454,000 kilograms of iodine would be offered for sale during fiscal year 1996. World Mine Production, Reserves, and Reserve Base: Mine production Reserves3/ Reserve base3/ 1994 1995e/ United States 1,600 1,800 550,000 550,000 Azerbaijan 400 400 NA NA Chile 5,600 5,600 900,000 1,200,000 China 500 500 400,000 400,000 Indonesia 15 15 100,000 100,000 Japan 6,400 6,400 4,000,000 7,000,000 Turkmenistan 250 250 170,000 NA World total (rounded) 14,800 15,000 NA NA World Resources: In addition to the fields listed in the reserve base, seawater contains 0.05 parts per million iodine, or approximately 34 billion kilograms. Seaweeds of the Laminaria family are able to extract and accumulate up to 0.45% iodine on a dry basis. Although not as economical as the production of iodine as a byproduct of gas, oil, and nitrate, the seaweed industry represented a major source of iodine prior to 1959 and is a large resource. Substitutes: Bromine and chlorine could be substituted for most of the biocide, ink, and colorant uses of iodine, although they are usually considered less desirable than iodine. Antibiotics and mercurochrome also substitute for iodine as biocides. Salt crystals and finely divided carbon may be used for cloud seeding. There are no substitutes in some catalytic, nutritional, pharmaceutical, animal feed, and photographic uses. e/Estimated. NA Not available. 1/Defined as imports - exports + adjustments for Government and industry stock changes. 2/See Appendix B. 3/See Appendix C for definitions. Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 1996