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Did you also know? 

During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, (1897-1898) potatoes were practically worth their weight in gold ? Potatoes were so valued for their vitamin C content that miners traded gold for potatoes. In fact, there is even a potato called Yukon Gold. These potatoes are slightly flat and oval in shape with light gold, thin skin and light yellow flesh.


Almonds are actually stone fruits related to cherries, plums and peaches ?  California produces 80% of the world's supply of almonds. The world's largest almond factory is in Sacramento, California. It processes 2 million pounds of almonds a day. Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40% of the world's almonds and 20% of the world's peanuts.  Japanese teenagers enjoy snacking on a mixture of dried sardines and slivered almonds.

Not all carrots are orange ? The first carrots originated some 5,000 years ago and were white, purple, red, yellow, green and black. The orange carrots we find in the supermarket come from a variety bred in the 1700's by the Dutch. And did you also know that three carrots give you enough energy to walk three miles...if cows eat too many carrots their milk tastes bitter.... all brides should be given carrots because it supposedly brings luck in the kitchen.

Alfalfa is supposedly the oldest know plant used for livestock feed ? Records of its use date as early as 1,000 BC in the Middle East.  Alfalfa is very drought resistant and one of the most nutritious crops to feed to animals. Alfalfa sprouts are used in salads, and the leaves may also be used raw or cooked as a vegetable.

More than 87,000,000,000.00 (87 billion) eggs are produced in the U.S. each year ? The average person eats the equivalent of 254 eggs yearly. Eggs will age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator. To test eggs for freshness, place two  teaspoonfuls of salt in a cup of water, then put in the egg. A fresh egg sinks; a doubter will float.

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