Gate Attendant Contracts

Gate Attendant Program


Gate attendants are an essential part of the Corps of Engineers recreational program.  These people are private individuals who work under contract for the Corps of Engineers.  Contracts at Town Bluff Project require a two-person team. 

Currently, the two camping parks at Town Bluff utilize two sets of attendants each, both sets on a 4 day on, 4 day off rotation.  These contracts run from 1 October to 30 September. As needs arise, volunteer hosts are used to assist the attendants and provide coverage at additional recreation areas.


Photos of Gate Attendants


Gate Attendant: Requires two person team. Responsible for collecting use fees utilizing computers, hand permits and etc. Other responsibilities include registering campers and visitors, maintaining campground status reports, reservation reports, use fee collection reports and other reports, posting reservations, providing information to the visiting public, providing surveillance of the park checking users for use fee compliance and informing them of park rules and regulations, manning the gate house, operating gates to control ingress and egress, checking in and out recreation equipment, etc. The attendants are also responsible for cleaning the gate house and their trailer site. Attendants are responsible for providing office supplies necessary to accomplish their duties. The government will provide computer system, computer paper, fee books, maps and hand out materials. The attendants are required to live in the park on a site provided by the government. The attendants are required to provide a self contained recreational type trailer or RV. The government provides a site with 30 Amp electric, (some sites with 30 Amp and 50 Amp), water and sewer at no cost to the attendant. Work schedules vary by season and by park. The contracts are currently set up on a 4 day on, 4 day off schedule. Daily duty hours range from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. during the week to 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. on weekends and holidays.


Attendants are required to possess a working cell phone or obtain local telephone service to their site.  Costs for this requirement should be added into the contract bid.
Once bid packages become available (usually August and December/January), prospective bidders may access bid packages at the Fort Worth District Contracting website at
Prospective bidders are required to supply a DUNS number (obtained from Duns and Bradstreet at 1-800-335-0505 or on their website).   After receipt of the DUNS number, bidders must register through Central Contractor Registration at 1-888-227-2423 or via the Internet at Contracts will not be awarded to bidders who are not registered. 

Once you are registered with CCR, you will receive a Trading Partner Identification Number (TPIN) and issued a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code. The CAGE code is required when the bid is submitted.  The TPIN is proof that you are registered in the CCR database.


This site last updated on April 1, 2008