Operations Technologies

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Engineer Research and Development Center | Warning

    Research and development under this focus area; 1) identifies, or develops where necessary, dredging operations technologies that are considered by the practicing dredging community as new, but too risky and / or unfamiliar to apply during routine US navigation channel maintenance, 2) tests these innovative (new) dredging technologies in locations and situations suitable to demonstrate performance in terms of defined metrics, and 3) ensures diffusion of well-performing technologies into the dredging community of practice. To meet operational dredging R&D needs as efficiently as possible and be responsive to issues facing the USACE today, this focus area is structured such that commercially-available innovative technologies can be objectively evaluated relative to USACE applicability (Diffusion of Innovative Technology (DoIT) Work Unit), or, if the process or resource is not available or in a form suitable to meet a specific USACE need, it may be developed or modified to meet that need. Performance objectives are to increase the levels of navigation channel service reliability provided, decrease the costs of channel maintenance, reduce adverse environmental impacts, and increase environmental benefits.

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Webdate February 1998
Updated October 2007