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Day Two Part One:
Electrophoresis Experiment
and Midcourse Correction Burn

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Day Three Part One:
ALFMED Experiment

Apollo 16

Day Two Part Two: LM Entry and Checks

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2006 David Woods and Tim Brandt. All rights reserved.

Start of Chapter.


Additional LM skin panels peeling


LM Entry


Docking Latch Discussion


LM Comms Check


LM Closeout


LOI Minus-5 Pad


MCC Shift Change


Film Status Report


Gimbal Lock Problem


Crew Sleep Period Starts


End of Chapter


Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 31 hours, 34 minutes. Things have settled down in to a rather quiet routine here in Mission Control and we presume aboard the spacecraft. At this time the Apollo 16 crew should be eating what would be lunch for them, following that they will begin preparation for the transfer to the Lunar Module the second of this flight, of course the first coming [in] last night['s] unscheduled entry. And during this scheduled entry this evening Duke and Young will be powering up the communications and instrumentation systems aboard the Lunar Module. We'll check out the communications circuits with them and also give the control center here a chance to look at all of the major systems on the Lunar Module once the instrumentation to all of these systems is powered up. Normally, during the translunar leg of the flight the only instrumentation, the only readings that we have on the LM is the amount of power that is transferred from the Command Module to the Lunar Module, and during this entry into the LM Duke and Young will be powering up the bulk of the instrumentation that will allow us to look at all critical systems. They will also be transferring most of the items from the Command Module that they will need for operations in the Lunar Module later in the mission and stowing these in the LM.

031 53 11 Young: Okay, Houston. We're up to 2.1 on the LM/CM Delta-P gage now.

031 53 16 Peterson: Roger. Copy 2.1. And while I'm talking to you on this oxygen-tank pressure gage, it's starting to look like there is a bias in there of about 14.7 [psi - 101 kilopascals] due to the fact that the reference chamber has apparently leaked its 1 atmosphere reference value down to probably vacuum. And that, coupled with a 5-psi [35 kilopascals] meter bias, should give you a total bias of about 20 psi [138 kilopascals] on the oxygen-tank pressure. But the gage seems to be working okay except for that bias, so we're going to continue to follow it so we can give you a - maybe a better number prior to LOI.

031 54 08 Young: Thank you, Pete.

031 54 10 Peterson: Roger.

031 54 27 Duke: Houston, 16. Over.

031 54 29 Peterson: Go ahead.

031 54 32 Duke: Okay, Pete. I just took my windowshade out of my rendezvous window and, looking out at Quad 1 of old Orion, the thermal shield that sits directly inboard of the - the - of the - of the quad - it's facing the plus-Z direction. It's a little piece about three feet long by about a foot wide [0.3 by 0.9 metres]; it's beginning to peel off also, now. Over.

031 55 02 Peterson: It's doing the same thing as the - as the panel we were - we looked at last night, huh?

031 55 08 Duke: That's affirm, except for - It - it's not nearly as bad, and it's just primarily on the inboard side, but it is beginning to get the shredded wheat appearance like the other one. Over.

031 55 16 Peterson: Roger. Understand.

031 55 28 Duke: Pete, on the outboard side [clears throat] right out near the quad - or right above the quad - on that same panel, it - it seems to me it's beginning - it looks like it starts out with a very fine, shaggy-grass-type stuff, and then slowly peels up into the shredded-wheat type. Over.

031 56 13 Peterson: Roger. Understand.

032 03 06 Peterson: 16, Houston. When you get a minute, we've got a - an addition to the Flight Plan at 32:48.

032 03 36 Young: Roger. Go ahead with your 32:48 addition.

032 03 40 Peterson: Okay. We want to add a note to read the LM/CM Delta-P.

032 03 52 Peterson: And we want to get that prior to that CM/LM pressure equalization decal.

032 04 06 Young: Okey dokey.

032 04 17 Peterson: And, Ken, that - we've made an ink correction on the back of that AOS/LOS Sun-wheel aid there. And when you get around to digging that out, I can give it to you, or I can pick it up later.

032 04 37 Young: Ken's busy right now. Say again. Over.

032 04 40 Peterson: Okay, on the back of the Sun wheel - the AOS/LOS Sun wheel - we've entered an ink note to account for the fact that we change REFSSMAT in the middle of his work there. We made an error on it. We've got to change the note now, and sometime when he's got that wheel out, I can read him up the correction.

032 05 00 Young: Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 32 hours, 5 minutes. A few minutes ago Charlie Duke reported additional paint apparently peeling from another of the aluminum skins on the Lunar Module, and from Duke's description this appeared to be one of the surfaces in the area of Quad 1 on the Lunar Module. This would be a quad adjacent to the Commander's station in the crew compartment. And Duke said that there were about three square feet of surface area involved. He described the appearance of the surface about as the other surface which had also peeled. Ranging from what he said was a kind of a sprouting grass appearance to shredded wheat. Now at the present time, the crew is awaiting the pressure differential between the docking tunnel and the Command Module, to reach 2.7 lbs. per sq. inch [18,6 kilopascals]. At the last report from John Young the difference in pressure as the tunnel is vented, had reached 2.1 lbs. per sq. inch [14.5 kilopascals]. The crew is scheduled to begin entering the Lunar Module to power up the communication system and turn on the instrumentation so that we can get a complete look at most of the major systems on the Lunar Module, here on the ground through telemetry. And [the] flight plan calls for them to enter the Lunar Module at about 33 hours, five minutes, or a little less than one hour from now. At the present time Apollo 16 is 123,126 nautical miles [228,029 kilometres] from Earth, and traveling at a speed of 4,382 feet [1,336 metres] per second.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, at 32 hours, 26 minutes. Here in the control center the Lunar Module control officer has replayed the tape of Charlie Duke's description of the additional surface of the LM that appeared to be peeling. Where the paint was peeling, similar to the way panels below the docking target were reported peeling yesterday. From Duke's description we were not able to pin point the precise panels involved although it is obviously very close to the area, that was reported peeling previously. And appeared much the same from Duke's description, the paint which is painted on the very thin aluminum skin in this area of the LM to provide a small margin of additional thermal protection in worse case conditions where the Lunar Module is exposed to greater sun angles than we will be seeing on this mission. The paint on those surfaces is as Duke described them giving the appearance of sprouting grass and then peeling back even further and giving the appearance of shredded wheat. Duke said that the area involved is about 1 feet by - 1 foot by 3 feet [0.3 by 0.9 metres]. And was in the area of Quad 1, which is one of the reaction control systems thrusters Quads located adjacent to the commander's station in the Lunar Module ascent stage. General Jim McDivitt, who is in the control center at the present time advised Pete Frank, that the studies that Grumman has done, the manufacturer of the Lunar Module, show that even if all of the surfaces on the LM which are painted in this manner were to lose their paint that the effect would be minimal and would cause no concern as far the temperatures of the Lunar Module are concerned. We expect that we will get further information at the time the crew enters the Lunar Module and also we will be looking at ail of the pertinent systems, all of the critical systems aboard the Lunar Module and are getting a comparative set of numbers to go with those that we saw last night. And all of the engineers here in the control center and the back rooms, the staff support rooms, and in Building 45 at the Manned Spacecraft Center will be looking at this data very closely and comparing it with the information that we got when the LM was powered up last night.

032 31 41 Young: Okay, Houston. We're maneuvering to the attitude.

032 31 45 Peterson: Roger.

032 43 00 Young: Okay, Houston, we got 2.7 [psi] on the tunnel vent right now.

032 43 05 Peterson: Roger; copy 2.7...

032 43 06 Young: I mean CM Delta-P.

032 43 08 Peterson: Roger; LM/CM Delta-P...

032 43 09 Young: On the LM/CM Delta-P.

032 43 16 Peterson: Okay, we copy.

032 44 03 Young: Okay, Houston, we're going to come on with the direct 02 and pump up the cabin.

032 44 10 Peterson: Roger.

032 48 12 Young: How does that look, Houston? Is that about 5.7 [psi - 39.3 kilopascals] to you?

032 48 19 Peterson: We're showing about 5.5, John.

032 48 23 Young: Okay.

032 48 28 Peterson: John, they say that's good enough now.

032 48 33 Young: Okay, Direct O2 is going Closed.

032 48 37 Peterson: Roger.

032 48 54 Young: And the LM/CM Delta-P is 3.3.

032 49 00 Peterson: Roger; stand by a minute.

032 52 00 Peterson: 16, we want to continue TM venting until you have ar - a reading - Delta-P reading of 3.4 [psi - 23 kilopascals] on the meter, and that should take less than ten minutes.

032 52 17 Duke: Okay, we copy. We'll go to 3.4.

032 52 36 Young: Okay, we're in Vent.

032 52 38 Peterson: Roger.

032 57 03 Mattingly: Okay, Houston, it's an honest 3.4.

032 57 07 Peterson: Roger; copy.

032 57 15 Mattingly: Are we cleared to proceed? Over.

032 57 18 Peterson: Roge, Ken.

032 57 20 Mattingly: Okey dokey.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 32 hours, 58 minutes. The LM cabin has now been vented down to the desired pressure level and the crew will shortly begin repressurizing the cabin to about 5 to 5½ pounds per square inch. Following that they will be preparing to enter the Lunar Module. I expect that will require about five to ten minutes. The Flight Plan calls for them to be in the LM by about 33 hours and five minutes or about seven or eight minutes from now. They will have to remove the tunnel hatch, the probe and drogue assembly, and then crawl through the tunnel into the Lunar Module. Following that they have about 30 minutes or so of housekeeping activities aboard the LM and then they will activate the communications system and run a series of communications checks with Mission Control. Our LM systems engineer has just reported that they are beginning the activities toward repressurizing the Lunar Module. During this entry into the LM they will also be powering up the data systems that will allow us to get a good look at all of the major systems on the Lunar Module through the telemetry and we'll have teams of engineers here in Mission Control and in the engineering support rooms in Building 45 here at Manned Spacecraft Center looking at this data very closely and comparing it with the similar measurements that we got yesterday from the crew that made their unscheduled, previously unscheduled entry into the LM. At the present time Apollo 16 is 125,324 nautical miles [232,100 kilometres] from Earth and we are continuing to watch the spacecraft velocity drop off. It is down to 4,310 feet [1,313 metres] per second.

033 07 34 Young: Okay, Houston, we're about ready to remove the hatch.

033 07 37 Peterson: Roger.

Public Affairs Officer: That was Charlie Duke reporting that the crew was about ready to remove the hatch allowing them to get into the LM tunnel remove the probe and drogue assembly which will clear the tunnel and allow them to enter the Lunar Module.

033 14 13 Mattingly: Charlie's floating on over there now.

033 14 16 Young: Houston, Charlie's floating on over to the Lunar Module now - to check on old Orion.

033 14 24 Peterson: Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: That was John Young reporting that Charlie Duke as he put it, "floating over to the Lunar Module now". That report came at 33 hours, 14 minutes, and we expect that Young will be following shortly.

033 15 41 Young: Extend that docking tunnel index, minus 3.5.

033 15 46 Peterson: Minus 3.5.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control. We' re awaiting the first bits of data from the Lunar Module as Young and Duke begin partially powering the vehicle up. The flight dynamics officer just reported that as a result of the midcourse correction performed at 30 hours, 39 minutes the spacecraft appears to be on the desired trajectory and will be approaching the Moon at an altitude of about 71 nautical miles [131 kilometres] at its closest point prior to the Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver. This is the preplanned value. We also have an update on the predicted impact point for the Saturn third stage the S-IVB. The new coordinates that we now have for that impact point are 1 degree, 50 minutes north and 23 degrees, 18 minutes west. This is slightly closer to the planned target point of 30 degrees west and the coordinates we got last night as I recall those had us about 22½ west we're now showing about 23 degrees 18 minutes west so moving a little bit more westerly as we continue to get additional tracking on the S-IVB. And the expected impact time is 75 hours, 7 minutes, 3 seconds Ground Elapsed Time.

033 24 19 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

033 24 22 Peterson: Go ahead, Casper.

033 24 26 Mattingly: Roger, Don. Did you guys get the tunnel index?

033 24 33 Peterson: We've got it, Ken.

033 24 37 Mattingly: Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, at 33 hours, 47 minutes. We've heard nothing from John Young and Charlie Duke, since Young reported about 30 minutes ago that they were entering the Lunar Module Orion. The crew is scheduled to be stowing items that they've carried over from the Command Module and then we'll begin powering up to Lunar Module, according to check list that they will be carrying on with them. And shortly after they begin the partial power up, we should see a telemetry data of most of the critical systems aboard the Lunar Module.

033 24 48 Mattingly: And, Don, I'm holding off on the oxygen heaters. I'm keeping them all three in Auto until we get the surge and repress tanks built back up. If' that's okay, if you would like for me to turn them off, I can reconfigure now; otherwise, I would like you to help me remember not to leave them on.

033 25 08 Peterson: Roger, we concur, Ken. We'll remind you.

033 25 17 Mattingly: Okay, thank you.

033 53 57 Mattingly: Hey, Don, can I talk to you about the docking latch?

033 54 03 Peterson: Roger.

033 54 08 Mattingly: You all set, or do you want me to wait a minute?

033 54 10 Peterson: No, go ahead.

033 54 13 Mattingly: Okay, you remember we told you at the time we - that we docked that we had a Number 10 [latch] that didn't look like it had stroked quite the same as the others; but the lock was over the - over the rail.

033 54 27 Peterson: Right.

033 54 28 Mattingly: You weren't on board at the time, that's right, we were talking to Gordy...

033 54 30 Peterson: Right.

033 54 31 Mattingly: But that's one of the things we reported and the plate that goes over the bungee fairing is cocked slightly. And now that we've got everything cleaned out of the tunnel, I can look in here. It's real obvious that the bungee hasn't fired completely. It's down; the top of the bungee is recessed about a half of an inch down. It looks like it just hadn't triggered and, as a matter of fact, I'm looking at the latch and, by golly, I can see between the latch and the total ring, so it didn't even pull down against that. And I really obviously don't have any concern for it; except I'm - I've never seen one that looked just like this and I was gonna go ahead and recock it and fire it again and see how that worked with a manual trigger. But I got to thinking maybe that's - maybe it's best to let you folks think about it. The main thing I want to do is make sure it's not a problem in unlatching it when the time comes.

033 55 36 Peterson: Roger; stand by.

033 56 57 Peterson: Casper, we capt - we got all the data we need and we're going to take a look at it. We do not want you to recock and fire the thing manually and we'll get back to you later.

033 57 06 Mattingly: Okay.

033 58 31 Mattingly: And, Houston, Casper turned over the power supply to Orion at 33:58.

033 58 43 Peterson: Roger, Casper.

Public Affairs Officer: With Ken Mattingly's report that he turned over power to the LM, which came at 33 hours, 58 minutes, we would expect shortly to begin seeing telemetry data from the Lunar Module. Also Mattingly commented on a problem that had been reported previously and that is that one of the 12 docking latches, on the Command Module, apparently has not latched firmly around the docking ring of the Lunar Module, as would normally be expected. This doesn't constitute any concern; three of these 12 docking latches are adequate to assure a hard dock, and only one of the 12 is not latched down firmly. The belief at the present time is that it's probably just hung up if the thing were fired again that it would engage fully. And it doesn't appear that any thing further will be done with this particular latch. The expectation is that when the two vehicles are separated and then docked again that the latch will perform properly. And as we mentioned in any event only three of the 12 latches are required for a hard docking. Well we have now started getting LM data, so we will be taking a good look at all of the systems on the Lunar Module.

034 02 02 Mattingly: Orion, how do you read Casper on VHF Alfa?

034 02 04 Young: Man, you're just super on VHF Alfa. How me?

034 02 08 Mattingly: Man, that's good stuff, isn't it?

034 02 11 Young: Just beautiful.

[Timings and speakers differ in next section between the CM and technical tape transcriptions]

034 02 12 Mattingly: You're just as clear as you can be.

034 02 14 Young: Okay. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

034 02 [25 - given as 33] Mattingly (onboard): Go ahead.

034 02 [27 - given as 35] Crew (onboard): [Garble].

034 02 [29 given as 37] Mattingly (onboard): Okay,

034 02 34 Duke: Hey, Ken; B Simplex.

034 02 [40 - given as 48] Mattingly (onboard): Orion, Casper. Do you copy?

034 02 49 Mattingly: Orion, Casper on Bravo Simplex.

034 02 52 Young (Duke on CM tape]: Okay, I'm reading you 5 by, Casper. How me?

034 02 55 Mattingly: Loud and clear.

034 02 56 Young (Duke on CM tape]: You're super.

[Break in CM transcript.]

034 03 05 Young: Houston, how do you read Orion? Over.

034 03 08 Peterson: You're loud and clear, Orion.

034 03 13 Young: Okay, we're coming down Downvoice Backup and - on a hot mike, and you're loud and clear to us. Over.

034 03 21 Peterson: Roger.

034 03 24 Young: Okay, how does the Low Bit Rate look to you, Pete?

034 03 29 Peterson: Looks good, Orion.

034 03 32 Young: Okay, I'm going up Bit Rate to High. Okay, how do you read now, Pete?

034 03 42 Peterson: Loud and clear.

034 03 44 Young: Okay, you're 5 by also. You got High Bit Rate.

034 03 53 Peterson: Looks good, John.

034 03 57 Duke (onboard): Okay. We're going Biomed Right. Okay, how do you read now, Pete?

034 03 57 Young: Okay, we're going Biomed, Right. How do you read now, Pete?

034 04 03 Peterson: Loud and clear.

034 04 03 CC (onboard): ...

034 04 05 Duke (onboard): Okay.

034 04 05 Duke: Okay, you want to - we can - we're down to step 5 on page 1-118 - 1-18. Do you want to look at the High Bit Rate some more?

034 04 07 Young (onboard): Telemetry is Lo; perform voice and low-bit-rate check.

034 04 11 Duke (onboard): Okay. Do you want to - we can - we're down to step - 5 on page 1-118 - 1-18. Do you want to look at the bit rates some more?

034 04 33 Peterson: Negative. We don't want to look at it anymore.

034 04 38 Duke: You do not. Roger. We're going to Low Bit Rate. Okay, the book says "Perform voice and low bit rate check with MSFN." How do you read?

034 04 52 Peterson: Loud and clear.

034 02 55 Young: Same-o.

034 05 06 Duke (onboard): Okay, Houston. Our Function - S-Band Function is in Voice now. How do you read?

034 05 31 Duke: Houston, how do you read with the Function in Voice? Over.

034 05 32 Peterson: You're loud and clear.

034 05 38 Duke: Okay, you're 5 by and Low Bit Rate. How does it look?

034 05 29 Peterson: Low Bit Rate looks good.

034 05 56 Young (onboard): How do you...

034 05 58 Duke: Okay, we're going to High Bit Rate. And we'll do the same thing with you - voice check and high bit rate check.

034 06 22 Duke: Houston, how do you read - now? Over.

034 06 26 Peterson: You're loud and clear.

034 06 30 Duke: Okay, give me a short count please, Pete.

034 06 33 Peterson: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

034 06 39 Duke: Roger; you're very good. Okay, we're going to - Bit Rate is going Low, and we're going S-Band Range to Ranging.

034 06 46 Peterson: Roger.

034 06 50 Duke: Okay, how do you read now? Over.

034 06 51 Peterson: Loud and clear.

034 06 55 Duke: Okay, how is the ranging check going?

034 06 58 Peterson: Stand by.

034 07 13 Peterson: Ranging looks good, Orion.

034 07 27 Duke: Okay, Houston, our ED bats are both Go at 37 volts and the sequence camera works.

[End of CM tape for Day 2.]

034 07 37 Peterson: Roger; copy.

034 07 42 Duke: And John's OPS was 5800 and mine was 6000. Over.

034 07 50 Peterson: Roger.

034 07 54 Duke: Okay. As far as we're concerned, the comm is just super, and we're ready to go on to phase 120 and deactivate it, if you guys are.

034 08 09 Peterson: Stand by 1 on that.

034 08 24 Peterson: Okay, Orion. You can deactivate.

034 08 29 Duke: Okay, deactivating.

Public Affairs Officer: All the controllers here in the control center report that all of the LM systems look good based on the telemetry data that we're receiving. Apollo 16 at this time is 128,138 nautical miles [237,313 kilometres] from Earth traveling at a speed of 4,221 feet [1,287 metres] per second. And Charlie Duke reported that he and Young are now ready to begin deactivating the Lunar Module in preparation for going back into the Command Module and closing up the hatch.

034 19 22 Mattingly: Okay, Houston. Casper has LM power back at 34:19.

034 19 28 Peterson: Roger; 34:19.

034 19 32 Mattingly: Affirm.

034 21 31 Mattingly: Hey, Don, if anyone wonders what I'm doing with 52, I just wanted to use auto Optics to point at Jupiter.

034 21 38 Peterson: Roger.

034 21 41 Mattingly: I'm not gonna take any marks.

034 21 42 Peterson: Roger. I understand.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 34 hours, 35 minutes. John Young and Charlie Duke are apparently still in the Lunar Module, Orion. They are not scheduled to complete the close out and return to the Command Module for another 25 or 30 minutes. During the time that they had the LM partially powered up and we had telemetry data, all of the systems onboard looked normal, everything looked very good.

034 43 20 Peterson: Casper, we've got the LOI-minus-5 flyby pad whenever you're ready to copy.

034 43 28 Young: Stand by one.

034 43 30 Peterson: Roger.

034 43 36 Young: We got Casper's keeper over in the Lunar Module taking a peek, and we'll be closing it out and we'll get it in a minute.

034 43 42 Peterson: Roger. Understand.

034 47 44 Duke: Pete, you - really get to be a real believer in the heating capacity of the Sun. In the Lunar Module here, the commander's window is in direct sunlight, and it's almost too hot to touch it; and my window's in the shade, and it's got fro - it's frosted over.

034 48 01 Peterson: Roger.

034 48 08 Young: Okay; we gonna close her out, Pete.

034 48 10 Peterson: Okays Johnny.

Public Affairs Officer: That was Charlie Duke reporting. He and John Young are going to close off the Lunar Module now, and get back into the Command Module. Duke also gave one observation of the affects of the Sun on heating the vehicle. He reported that the commander's window which was in direct sunlight was almost too hot to touch, and the Lunar Module pilot's window on the other side of the vehicle was frosted over. That window, of course, not in the sunlight. And at this time Apollo 16 is 129,776 nautical miles [240,345 kilometres] from Earth. The speed down now to 4,170 feet [1,271 metres] per second.

035 03 53 Young: Houston, the hatch is closed; the drogue is installed; the probe's installed; the hatch is installed on Earthside; the LM Tunnel Vent valve is LM/CM Delta-P; the tunnel lights are off. Is it okay if we go to PTC instead of FDC [?] now, or do y'all want to wait until 34?

(Music in background)

035 04 22 Peterson: Stand by one.

035 04 37 Peterson: 16, you can go ahead and do the PTC.

035 04 42 Young: Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: That was John Young reporting the probe and drogue assembly reinstalled in the LM tunnel, the hatch back in place, and a bit of what sounded like blue grass banjo music drifting in from the background. Apparently the music being played on the crew's onboard tape recorder. That report that Young and Duke had completed the activities aboard the Lunar Module and we're back in the Command Module with everything in the LM buttoned up. It came at about 35 hours, 5 minutes. We got the report that [at] 33 hours, 14 minutes that Charlie Duke [sic - means Ken Mattingly] had entered the Lunar Module so they did the LOI fly-by pad.

035 06 04 Peterson: 16, in addition to the LOI flyby pad, we've got some cryo tank configuration changes for you.

035 06 19 Young: Okay. If you can hold up for a second on that.

(Music in background)

035 06 21 Peterson: Roger.

Public Affairs Officer: The total time that Young and Duke were in the Lunar Module Orion was about one hour 45 to one hour 50 minutes and we don't have the precise time on their reentry to the Command Module, but that would be a fairly good estimate.

035 08 36 Young: Hey, Houston; 16. You can go ahead with the cryo tank reconfiguration.

035 08 41 Peterson: Okay. On the cryo tanks, we want H2 Tanks 1 and 2 Heaters, Auto; and Tank 3 Fan, Off. Oxygen Tanks 1 and 2 Heaters, Off; Tank 3 Heater, Auto.

035 09 03 Young: Okay. Roger. Configuration now: H2 Heaters 1 and 2, Auto; O2 Heaters 1 and 2, Off; 3, we're Auto. That's as we had it. H2 Fans 1 and 2, Off; and 3, Off.

035 09 21 Peterson: Roger.

035 10 17 Duke: Okay. NASA in Houston, you can go ahead with the LOI-minus-5 Pad.

035 10 39 Peterson: Okay, LOI minus 5 flyby, SPS/G&N; 66603; plus 1.24, minus 0.12; 069:28:26.27; plus 0039.8, minus 0118.9, plus 0422.9; 210, 193, 346; NA; HP is plus 0020.4; 0441.1; 1:07, 0436.5; sextant star 14, 124.8, 17.4; the next three lines are not applicable. Latitude, minus 23.03, minus 165.00; 1100.9, 36207; 142:23:42. Set stars Sirius and Rigel, 219, 166, 313. Ullage, none. Other: number 1, burn SPS docked; 2, pad based on PTC REFSMMAT; 3, LM weight, 36287.

035 12 57 Duke: Roger, Pete. LOI minus 5 flyby, SPS/G&N; 66603- plus 1.24, minus 0.12; 069:28:26.27; plus 0039. I missed Delta-VY, Delta-VZ is plus 0422.9; 210, 193, 346; HA is NA; plus 0020.4; 4411, 107, 0436.5; 14, 124.8, 174; NA; latitude minus 23.03, minus 165.00; 1100.9; 362.07; 142:23:42. Sirius and Rigel; 219, 166, 313. Ullage is none. Notes are: 1, burn SPS docked; PTC REFSMMAT; LM weight, 36287, which is 30 pounds heavier than we had this morning.

035 14 06 Peterson: Roger. We'll take a look at that, and the Delta-VY is minus 0118.9.

035 14 18 Duke: Minus. Roger; minus 0118.9.

035 14 22 Peterson: That's affirmative. Yeah.

035 14 29 Duke: Is that because we took the film over there?

035 14 36 Peterson: Say again, Charlie.

035 14 38 Duke: I said we took all that film over there, maybe that's the 30 pounds.

035 14 42 Peterson: Affirmative, that's where it came from.

035 15 11 Peterson: And, 16, we still have this note to go on the Sun wheel.

035 15 24 Young: Stand by.

035 16 54 Peterson: I need Charlie, 16.

035 45 16 Peterson: 16, your rates are okay, any time you want to go into PTC.

035 45 28 Mattingly: Okay, Pete. Thank you.

035 50 26 Peterson: 16, Omni Bravo, and then we'll take care of the antennas.

035 50 37 Mattingly: Omni Bravo, Houston.

035 50 40 Peterson: Roger. Thank you.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control 36 hours now into flight of Apollo 16. And spacecraft is now in it's Passive Thermal Control mode. Rotating at the rate of three revolutions per hour. The crew is scheduled to be eating dinner and following that they have a scheduled eight hour rest period. Apollo 16 at the present time is 135,2 rather 132,595 nautical miles [245,566 kilometres] from Earth. And traveling at a speed of 4,084 feet [1,245 metres] per second.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, 37 hours now into the flight of Apollo 16. Flight that has settled down into a steady, and at the moment a rather quiet routine. This is typically a quiet time of lunar missions with the crew using the time that they have available to review checklists and procedures that they'll be following during the very busy days ahead on the lunar surface and in orbit around the Moon. Also at the present time the crew is scheduled to be in the midst of a - an eat period, having diner prior to retiring for an eight hour rest period. We've been watching all of the spacecraft systems here in Mission Control; everything looks good as it has during most of the flight and we show Apollo 16 now 134,939 nautical miles [249,907 kilometres] from Earth, traveling at a speed of 4,013 feet [1,223 metres] per second.

037 19 13 Peterson: 16, Houston.

037 19 17 Young: Go ahead, Pete.

037 19 19 Peterson: Okay...

037 19 20 Young: Go ahead, Pete.

037 19 21 Peterson: Okay, just a last few words here. We don't have anything for you except one note to Ken. Earlier you asked about whether or not the pad we read you contained the correct bias for the EMS; we told you it did, and we've looked at it a little more now, and actually it turns out it did not. The bias on that one was less than a foot per second, I guess. In the future, we will include that bias in the pads.

037 19 52 Young: Okay, thank you now.

037 19 56 Peterson: Roger and we're ready to copy any time you can give us the onboard read-outs and get into the Flight Plan here at about 37.

037 20 11 Young: Roger

037 20 35 Young: Okay, Houston. Bat C is 37; Pyro Bat A is 37; Pyro Bat B, 37.

037 21 32 Young: RCS A is reading 87; RCS B, 92; RCS C, 93; RCS D, 96. Is that what you wanted, the quantity of the RCS?

037 21 57 Peterson: That's affirmative. And we copied 37, 37, 37, 87, 92, 93, and 96.

037 22 16 Young: That's - that's correct, and Main Bus - Bus A is reading 29 plus volts.

037 23 09 Peterson: Ken, for your information, the PTC looks beautiful; in fact, it was so good, it took some of us quite a while to realize you were in a PTC.

037 23 22 Mattingly: Yeah, and my attitude hold looks a lot like that too.

037 23 26 Peterson: Roger.

037 23 35 Mattingly: All in the technique for the way you hit Proceed.

037 23 38 Peterson: Roger; honest (laughter).

037 37 02 Young: Houston, let me read you this cryo tank configuration, and you tell me if that's what you want for

the sleep period.

037 37 11 Peterson: Okay. Go ahead, 16; we're...

037 37 18 Young: [Garble] over.

037 37 20 Peterson: Go ahead, 16; we're ready to copy the cryo configuration.

037 37 25 Young: Okay. H2 Heaters are - 1 and 2 are in Auto. O2 Heaters 1 and 2 are Off, 3 is in Auto. H2 Fan 1 - 1 and 2 are Off, and 3 is in Auto.

037 38 14 Peterson: 16, the H2 tank 3 Fan should be Off.

037 38 26 Young: Okay. H2 tank 3 Off.

037 38 54 Young: And, Houston, for your information, the LM/CM Delta-P gage has not moved since we equalized the two vehicles.

037 39 04 Peterson: Roger. Understand, 16.

037 39 17 Peterson: And, 16, would you verify optics power Off?

037 39 26 Young: No, sir; we aren't ready to turn it off yet.

037 39 31 Peterson: Okay.

037 50 15 Young: Houston, 16. Over.

037 50 20 Hartsfield: Hello, 16. Houston.

037 50 26 Young: Are you ready for a Verb 74?

037 50 32 Hartsfield: Roger. We're standing by. Go ahead.

037 50 39 Young: What do you do on the graveyard shift, Hank?

037 50 42 Hartsfield: Oh, that's lots of fun. Get to watch y'all snooze.

037 50 53 Young: Okay. Direct O2's on, the cabin's coming up now.

037 50 57 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

037 52 21 Hartsfield: E-Mod complete, 16.

037 52 27 Young: Thank you.

037 55 18 Young: Okay, Houston. Direct O2 is off.

037 55 23 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 38 hours in flight of Apollo 16. And we expect the crew will be beginning their scheduled eight hour rest period shortly. Out here in Mission Control we're in the process of a shift handover. Flight Director Gene Kranz and his White Team of flight controllers are coming on now to replace the Orange Team headed by Flight Director Pete Frank. The Capsule Communicator on this shift will be astronaut Hank Hartsfield replacing astronaut Don Peterson in that position. And at the present time Apollo 16 is 137,239 [254,167 kilometres] nautical miles from Earth. Traveling at a speed of 3,945 feet [1,202 metres] per second.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control. I would like to correct one portion of our last announcement on the shift handover. The Flight Director on this shift will be Phil Shaffer rather than Gene Kranz. At 38 hours, 4 minutes this is Apollo Control Houston.

038 04 51 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

038 04 55 Hartsfield: Hello, Casper. Go ahead.

038 05 10 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Go ahead.

038 05 28 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Go ahead.

038 05 57 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. If you're transmitting, you're way down in the mud. I can't read you.

038 06 07 Mattingly: Can you read now, Hank?

038 06 09 Hartsfield: Okay. Much better now, Ken.

038 06 14 Mattingly: Okay. I say - I got a film status report for you. And I'd like to ask you a question about the optics. I'd like to stow the optics instead of leaving them up, unless the temperatures are gonna get too high. And the reason for this is that every time we run around past the Sun, it's like throwing a spotlight inside.

038 06 39 Hartsfield: Roger. Stand by.

038 07 03 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken, go ahead with your film status, and we're looking at that stowing the optics.

038 07 16 Mattingly: Okay, the magazine OO reads 26, magazine November November is either 33 or 34, depending on how you look at it. We finished up the 16-millimeter mag on Alfa Alfa by taking some pictures of the - part of the LM paint that we think is shredding. Magazine Oscar and November have been used just for the targeted pictures - no extras. And I guess that's - We didn't take any other original pictures today except for the AA frames on the LM. Tomorrow we'll try to get some interior photography.

038 08 06 Hartsfield: Okay. Copy 26 frames on Oscar Oscar. The November November report we got last night was 33 frames. You didn't use any of it today?

038 08 18 Mattingly: Well, just for that UV. So whatever it was last night, it must be one more.

038 08 25 Hartsfield: Okay. 34.

038 09 Oh Hartsfield: And, Ken, it's okay to stow the optics.

038 09 10 Mattingly: Okay, Henry, thank you. And I'd like to go ahead and take the voice comm down before I turn the optics power off. I wanted to try to take one last look and see if I can pick up one of the planets as we turn around, and I'd like to go ahead and knock off the voice.

038 09 37 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken, get the voice down and have a good night.

038 09 43 Mattingly: Okay, Henry. See you in the morning. Good night, sir.

038 19 55 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

038 19 57 Hartsfield: Hello, Casper, go ahead.

038 20 02 Mattingly: Okay, I'm not sure what just happened. I just saw - down looking at the optics and all of a sudden I saw a warning light and I got a No Attitude and a Gimbal Lock light. And my - my ball seems to, in fact - it looks like the platform may be frozen. Although we're still - still in PTC here.

038 20 34 Hartsfield: Okay, we're seeing some telemetry. We saw something about the time you come on the line there.

038 20 42 Mattingly: Okay. And it shows the CDUs down there in Noun 20 as being gimbal locked.

038 21 13 Hartsfield: Stand by a little bit, Ken. We're retaking a look at the telemetry.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 38 hours, 22 minutes. That was Ken Mattingly reporting what appears to be a problem in the Guidance and Navigation System on the Command Module. His voice report came almost simultaneous with a warning light on the Guidance Officer's console and reports from the Guidance Officer to the Flight Director, Phil Schaffer, here in the Control Center. Mattingly's description of the problem was that they had a warning light in the Command Module indicating No Attitude. The gimbal platform frozen - we have an indication here of gimbal lock and coarse align and we're looking at that data right now to try to determine what it might mean.

038 25 19 Hartsfield: Ken, just so we can make sure we got it straight down here, could you run through again what you were doing, and then the sequence of events?

038 25 29 Mattingly: Okay, Hank, l'm not real sure when this happened. I was trying to see if I couldn't pick up one of the planets in the optics, and I was using P52. And I had gone in and I was calling Option 3 and then putting in planet vectors out of the Flight Plan and I tried - I thought I was going to catch, I guess it was Saturn And it looked like I had just missed it. And I was driving around just kind of looking around to see what I could see in the sky and waiting to try and pick up Jupiter. And somewhere in there, I guess I came down to zero the optics or do something, and then I looked down and saw I had a PGNCS light. And I guess I had just- recently - I guess I was about ready to give up on it and call P00; and I think I had - in fact, I think I called P00 at or just before the time I - we ended up with the Gimbal Lock and the No Attitude. That was just a couple of seconds or so, I guess, before I called you about it, maybe 15 seconds or so.

038 26 85 Hartsfield: Okay, You got a Gimbal Lock...

038 26 46 Mattingly: I can't, think of any combination of DSKY inputs - I was trying to think if I could have made some combination of DSKY inputs that might of - Had I gotten in almost the right inputs that I could have caused the problem, but I don't see where I was using any verbs or nouns that could have done this.

038 27 11 Hartsfield: Okay, you got a Gimbal Lock and No Att. Did you get an ISS warning?

038 27 19 Mattingly: No, sir; I did not.

038 27 22 Hartsfield: [Garble] good.

038 27 28 Mattingly: And the Noun 20s were approximately correct for both pitch and roll, although the middle gimbal angle was completely out to lunch.

038 32 44 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

038 32 48 Hartsfield: Go ahead, Ken.

038 32 55 Mattingly: I'd like for you to think about the effects of having me go ahead and do a Verb 41 Noun 20 to match up with the SCS. That thing's been drifting a good bit, but, in any case, maybe I can get it close enough to have a starting point to try and pick up some things. I'd been looking in the - had been looking in the telescope just before this all happened, and there's so much of this - so many of these little particles cut there that chances of recognizing a star pattern are extremely dubious, I'd like to try. And maybe we can work on something like the Earth, maybe the Sun, or something like that.

038 33 35 MCC [not CapCom]: Go G&C.

038 33 38 Hartsfield: Okay, standby.

038 33 41 MCC [not CapCom]: Okay. Do you want to stand by on this Verb 41 Noun 20 until you get your Gimbal Lock removed? Okay, CapCom tell him we're working up -  Thank you.

038 34 12 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We'd like you to hold up on the Verb 41 Noun 20. We're working on a procedure to try to get rid of the gimbal lock.

038 34 23 Mattingly: Okay. Did you have any data coming down at the time this all happened, or were you in the blind?

038 34 31 Hartsfield: Roger. We had good high bit rate data, and they're poring over that now.

038 34 39 Mattingly: Okay. I'll sit tight then. Thank you.

038 36 44 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston.

038 36 49 Mattingly: Go ahead.

038 36 50 Hartsfield: Okay. We want to try to get the platform inertial again, and what we'd like for you to do is a Verb 23 Noun 20 Enter, Enter, Verb 40 Enter.

038 37 07 Mattingly: Verb 23 Noun 20 Enter. Then you want me to put plus Enter into that register. Okay, that got rid of the Gimbal Lock light. Now you'd like for me to do a Verb 41?

038 37 28 Hartsfield: Verb 40 Enter.

038 37 33 Mattingly: Okay. Verb 40 Enter.

038 37 46 Hartsfield: Okay. Our data shows the platform's inertial now, Ken.

038 37 57 Mattingly: Roger. And it appears that way from here, too.

038 38 12 Hartsfield: Okay. Ken, you can go ahead now with you Verb 41 Noun 20.

038 38 23 Mattingly: Okay. This will be a coarse align to the GDC angles, is that correct?

038 38 26 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

038 38 53 Hartsfield: Ken, hold up on that Verb 41 just a second.

038 38 59 Mattingly: Wilco. I'll go ahead and load it but won't enter.

038 39 04 Hartsfield: Okay. Guidance has got a little thing they're looking at and talking to people in the back room, little discussion going on here.

038 39 15 Mattingly: Okay. I won't do a thing, then. Thank you.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 38 hours, 40 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. What you've been listening to is Command Module pilot Ken Mattingly talking back and forth with Mission Control. We had an earlier indication that the IMU platform appeared to be in a gimbal lock. Mission...

038 40 06 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Are the GDC ball and the IMU ball completely out of sync?

038 40 24 Mattingly: Well, actually, they're not that far out. They're like ten degrees in outer gimbal and let's see the - I guess the middle gimbal is off by about two degrees, the inner gimbal no more than three, lots closer to two degrees.

038 40 44 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

038 40 45 Mattingly: ...that close.

Public Affairs Officer: Mission Control has been going through a series of procedures with Ken Mattingly to alleviate the gimbal lock situation. Presently the platform is inertial. We'll stand by as series of Verbs and Nouns have been passed up to the spacecraft Casper. We're at 38 hours, 42 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 138,786 nautical miles [257,032 kilometres] away from Earth. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

038 47 45 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston.

038 47 49 Mattingly: Go ahead.

038 47 50 Hartsfield: Okay, I think we got the agreed-on procedure here - is to go ahead with the Verb 41 Noun 20. That's procedure - in the G&C Checklist - 7-1. And reset the REFSMMAT - REFSMMAT flag and press on through that.

038 48 09 Mattingly: Okay. I guess, based on our drifts, I'm not sure that's any better, but I guess that's no worse, so I'll just go to that one, then.

038 48 18 Hartsfield: Okay; 7-1.

038 48 24 Mattingly: Okay. That's Page 7-1. I understand.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 38 hours, 54 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly now going through a series of Verbs and Nouns, trying to align the IMU platform to the Gyro Display Coupler. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 139,243 nautical miles [257,878 kilometres] away from the Earth. Continuing to monitor, this is Apollo Control, Houston.

036 56 46 Mattingly: Hank, if it doesn't clear up, I won't be able to find any stars with no closer alignment than I have on this thing. Looks like I'm gonna have to get a - a coarser alignment by using some big objects like Earth or something like that.

038 57 01 Hartsfield: Okay. Are those particles out there giving you a lot of trouble?

038 57 07 Mattingly: That's all there is. They're just everywhere.

038 57 20 Mattingly: When you combine them with the limited area that you have to look in because of the LM reflections, you find the telescope to be very unsatisfying.

038 58 08 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Why don't you go ahead and try then, with the - the Sun and the Moon? You've got a filter for the Sun, right?

038 58 15 Mattingly: That's affirmative.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 38 hours, 59 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. That was Ken Mattingly reporting difficulty sighting stars through the optics - those desired stars for alignment because of the vast number of particles. The update from CapCom Hank Hartsfield indicated a go-ahead to try the alignment using the larger objects in this case, the Sun and the Moon - for alignment. We show Casper's onboard computer program in Program 52 - this is a platform alignment program - as Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly presses on with his procedures. Apollo 16 is now 139,452 nautical miles [258,265 kilometres] away from the Earth, and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: Apollo 16 is now 139 452 nautical miles [258,265 kilometres] away from the Earth and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: Apollo Control, Houston. 39 hours, 3 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Guidance reports that Command Module pilot to Ken Mattingly is half way through his platform alignment. He has performed his mark on the Sun and he is now proceeding with his mark on the Moon. We're at 39 hours, 4 minutes continuing to monitor. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

039 06 49 Mattingly: Houston, Casper.

039 06 53 Hartsfield: Go ahead.

039 06 57 Mattingly: Okay. I used the Earth and the Sun, and I got four balls 7, which I think is gonna be a significant improvement. I'd like to go ahead and see what those torquing angles turn out to be.

039 07 09 Hartsfield: Roger. We concur.

039 07 13 Mattingly: Okay. That looks about right for the amount that I had to correct for. It's - it's kind of hard to mark on the Earth because you have to guess where the - where the - the terminator really ought to be.

039 07 33 Mattingly: [Garble] torquing angles?

039 07 35 Hartsfield: Roger, Ken. Go ahead and torque.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control Houston, 39 hours, nine minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We now show Apollo 16 at 139,788 nautical miles [258,887 kilometres] away from Earth. Command Module [Pilot] Ken Mattingly is using the Earth and Sun for platform alignment through the optics [and] reports significant improvement over his earlier attempt in the star sighting. We'll continue to monitor conversations between Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly and CapCom Hank Hartsfield here in Mission Control.

039 10 29 Mattingly: Okay, Hank. If you have those angles, I'll torque these.

039 10 43 Hartsfield: Ken, what was your Noun 05?

039 10 48 Mattingly: Four balls one.

039 10 50 Hartsfield: Roger.

039 10 55 Mattingly: Okay. I'll torque these at - on the minute, 11.

039 10 59 Hartsfield: Okay, clear to torque.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 39 hours, 11 minutes, Mattingly doing a second P52 platform alignment this time using two stars for sighting and in this way the fine tuning - his earlier improvement if possible with the Sun and - Moon - Earth and Sun as reference. We're at 39 hours, 12 minutes Ground Elapsed Time and we now show Apollo 16 at an altitude of 139,907 nautical miles [259,108 kilometres] away from the Earth.

039 13 14 Mattingly: Okay. It looks like we're pretty much on target now, and I don't see any reason to torque these again - unless you particularly want to.

039 13 30 Hartsfield: Okay; we concur, Ken. Don't torque those. And we want to check a few switches. They're working on now getting a switch checklist, and then we're going to let you get some rest and smoke the data over during the night and have it stored for you in the morning.

039 13 45 Mattingly: Okay. Can you give me any - Can you give me any cursory ideas of that, just the same - if there's any possibility I entered something inadvertently? Or does it take too long to sort all that out?

039 14 01 Hartsfield: Okay. The preliminary look here - We think it's a hardware problem, Ken. Some sort of a transient problem, and when we get the data in here, we'll be able to tell a little more about it.

039 14 16 Mattingly: Okay. Guess I'm sorry to hear that.

039 14 19 Hartsfield: They - they don't think at this point that it's anything that you did, and it appears to be a transient problem, but we won't know until we take a look at it.

039 14 29 Mattingly: Okay. Let me give you one other little tidbit that now seems to be somewhat more of - of interest than it was before, and that's that when I take this Optics Zero to Zero, the area around the shaft peapack [?] makes a lot of - a lot more noise than the one in the trunnion. It seems to me that it's making more noise now than it used to. When I say used to, when we first started out - when we first started out, they were very, very quiet and you couldn't even hear them running. And now they're getting noisier. And that may be typical, but it's just one more thing that - I guess we'll throw out all these things. I'll try to minimize the number the times I Zero the Optics, at least with the Zero switch. I'll use Manual wherever possible.

039 15 23 Hartsfield: Okay. That only occurs when you're zeroing?

039 15 29 Mattingly: That's affirmative. Well, actually, Hank, I just tried it in Manual. It occurs when - the noise occurs whenever I'm in an extremely high rate. You know, like using high in a max shaft rate.

039 15 52 Hartsfield: Roger; copy.

039 16 37 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. We'd like to check some switches up on Panel 1.

039 16 44 Mattingly: Stand by a second.

039 17 06 Mattingly: Okay. Go ahead, Hank.

039 17 09 Hartsfield: Okay, we'd like to check position in FDAI Scale.

039 17 13 Mattingly: The Scale is in 5/1.

039 17 16 Hartsfield: Okay, Select.

039 17 20 Mattingly: Select is in 1/2, the Source is in Attitude Set, and the Attitude Set is in GDC.

039 17 26 Hartsfield: Okay. That's what we wanted to know. Thank you.

039 17 34 Mattingly: Okay, I think I'll go ahead and get some sleep then. Got any notes from [garble] yet?

039 17 40 Hartsfield: Okay, stand by one sec.

039 18 06 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. We don't have anything else [garble].

039 18 59 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston.

039 19 02 Mattingly: Go ahead.

039 19 04 Hartsfield: Okay. You caught us on the antenna switch. We don't have anything else for you. We'll look the data over, and try and get some word up to you tomorrow. It looks like to us now that you can get a full eight hours sleep.

039 19 18 Mattingly: Okay. (Laughter) Thank you.

039 19 22 Hartsfield: See you tomorrow.

039 19 27 Mattingly: Okay, Hank. How about - how about making the duller shift?

039 19 33 Hartsfield: Roger (laughter).

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 39 hours, 30 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 140,597 nautical miles [260,386 kilometres] away from the Earth. As you heard, Ken Mattingly has now been given the go ahead to start his sleep period. This being the case, we will go over and recount the activities that have just taken place regarding the Guidance and Navigation System. It - this activity was spurred when Mattingly saw a Gimbal Lock warning light onboard and a No Attitude light onboard. This was verified by the Mission Control Team here on the ground. The first step taken the IMU was coarse aligned to the Spacecraft body. When this occurred, this alignment wiped out the roll attitude in reference. The first step, Mattingly was given the go ahead to unlock the platform with ground procedures, and this allowed the platform to go inertial. Initially, he tried to align the platform with stars. He was unsuccessful with the platform alignment with stars and this - primarily because of the debris around the Spacecraft. As the next step, he then used the Sun and Moon to align the platform and was very successful in this effort. Then the platform was tweaked in its alignment using the stars; and this was possible because the platform alignment with the initial planet reference was good enough to use the Auto Optics. Here in Mission Control during this shift, we will be playing the recorded data, and this will be evaluated over the course of the shift. Initially, it appears to be a transient problem. We're at 39 hours, 33 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We show Apollo 16 140,686 nautical miles [260,550 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now 3,854 feet [1,175 metres ]per second, and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 40 hours, 35 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We presently show Apollo 16 at an altitude of 142,978 nautical miles [264,795 kilometres], this from Earth, and traveling at a speed of 3,779 feet [1,152 metres] per second. The crew is now sleeping after a flurry of activity related to a - the guidance and navigation system. Ken Mattingly, it appears, went to sleep at 40 hours GET, dozed off to sleep. At an earlier time - 38 hours, 22 minutes GET - the Command Module had a Gimbal Lock warning and a No Attitude light on board. This was verified by the flight controllers here in the Mission Control center. The inertial measuring unit had been coarse aligned to the spacecraft body when this problem developed. It wiped out the roll attitude reference. As the first step, Ken Mattingly, Command Module pilot unlocked the platform with ground procedures allowing the platform to go inertial. A first attempt by Ken Mattingly to align the platform using stars was unsuccessful because of the debris around the spacecraft. He then used the Sun and Moon as references to align the platform and this attempt was very successful. As a follow on step, Mattingly then tweaked the alignment of the platform with the stars. He was successful in this second attempt because the platform at this time was good enough to use the auto optics. There has been very little conversation over the Flight Control Loop here in the Mission Control center for the past 30 to 40 minutes. During this shift the recorded data is being replayed for a continuing evaluation. At present it appears that what we have seen is a transient problem to the Guidance and Navigation System. It should be emphasized Ken Mattingly did successfully realign the inertial platform before getting the go ahead to start his sleep period. A confirmed failure, of the IMU would give a No-Go for LOI, however at this time the Guidance and Navigation platform is completely stable and the ground control team here in Mission Control is satisfied. We're at 48 hours, 38 - 40 hours, 38 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, we will at this point take down the Air to Ground Loop because we expect no further conversation with the crew. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 41 hours and 30 minutes into the Mission. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 144,956 nautical miles [268,548 kilometres] away from Earth. Velocity now reads 3,724 feet [1,135 metres] per second. We have had no conversation with the crew of Apollo ]6 since our last report. The crew is presently in their rest period. Our Flight Director for this shift is Phil Shaffer. It is his first stint in the role of Flight Director. Until this Mission, Shaffer has worked as Flight Dynamics Officer in the Mission Control Center. He is one of the new Flight Directors designated for the Skylab Program. Our CapCom for this shift is Astronaut Hank Hartsfield. He does not expect to have anything further to say to the crew of Apollo 16 for this shift. Since our countdown clock in the Mission Control Center shows 5 hours, 59 minutes of time remaining until wake-up time, this will put the wake-up time about two hours beyond that called for in the Flight Plan. We're at 41 hours, 31 minutes into the Mission, and this is Apollo Control Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 42 hours, 30 minutes since liftoff. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 147,092 nautical miles [272,414 kilometres] away from the Earth, velocity now shows 360,065 [sic] feet per second. We've had no conversation with the crew of Apollo 16 over the past hour. There are some five minutes remaining on the sleep period. We're at 42 hours and 30 minutes Ground Elapsed Time and this is Apollo Control Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 42 hours 32 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We have a correction to our last report. A sleepy commentator reported five minute's remaining on the sleep period of the Apollo 16 crew, that should have been stated five hours remaining. I repeat, five hours remaining of crew sleep. We're at 42 hours, 32 minutes into the mission and this is Apollo Control Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston at 43 hours,30 minutes into the flight of Apollo 16. We now show the Apollo 16 spacecraft at a distance of 149,191 nautical miles [276,302 kilometres] away from the Earth and now traveling at a speed of 3,608 feet [1,100 metres] per second. At the present time, the crew of Apollo 16 is asleep. Also, at the present time, the Mission Control Center here in Houston is receiving periodic data from tile Apollo 16 spacecraft due to an inability to switch antennas by ground command. At present, here in Mission Control, we're receiving 11 minutes of data, and seven and a half minutes of data dropout. This will become a troubleshooting exercise with the crew after the crew awakens. The ENKO flight controller has tried through the Madrid and Carnarvon stations, but thus far, has not been able to get in commands to switch antennas. This inability in antenna switching from the ground is why we're receiving the periodic data. The crew will remain in their sleep period for four more hours. At 43 hours, 32 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 44 hours, 30 minutes into the mission. Now we presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 151,216 nautical miles [280,052 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now reads 5,353 [sic],feet per second. Flight Director Phil Shaffer has decided to update the crew wakeup time by one hour. This being one hour earlier because of the work day. This one hour will allow spare time for troubleshooting associated with the antenna switching. There will be a change of shift briefing at 9:30 AM in the News Center Briefing Room. Participants will include Flight Director Phil Shaffer and Guidance and Flight Controller Gary Coen. The Gold Team of flight controllers headed by Flight Director Gerry Griffin is scheduled to take over at 46 hours Ground Elapsed Time. At the present time, we show one hour, 59 minutes from time of crew wakeup. At 44 hours, 31 minutes, this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 45 hours, 24 minutes Ground Elapsed Time in the mission of Apollo 16. The spacecraft at the present time is 153,107 nautical miles [283,554 kilometres] out from Earth. Velocity 3,504 feet per second [1,068 metres per second]. Here in the Mission Control Center, the Gold Team of flight controllers is taking over headed up by Gerry Griffin, from the off going shift of flight controllers headed up by a new flight director named Phil Shaffer. Phil Shaffer's press conference will take place in the News Center Auditorium, the Houston News Center, in about 10 minutes. The crew of Apollo 16 will be waked up in a little over an hour. The first order of business upon awakening will be to sort out some problems that have arisen during the night on uplink commands to the spacecraft, and also gimbal lock problem in the inertial measurement unit that was encountered during the night when Mattingly was realigning the platform, both of which may just go away. That remains to be seen. And at 45 hours, 26 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control.




Day Two Part One:
Electrophoresis Experiment
and Midcourse Correction Burn

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ALFMED Experiment