Alaska Region
Conserving the Nature of America

Working in Alaska


USA Jobs
This is the Federal Government’s official one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information:

Local Hire
These positions are announced in the local community through flyers at the post office, refuge office, public bulletin boards, or through public service announcements on local radio stations. Questions or applications should be directed to the advertising office.

This U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service national Human Resources website gives details about working for our agency.

The Alaska Region of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service hires numerous temporary/seasonal Biological Technicians for each field season to work on a variety of fisheries-related studies. Application information (pdf).

Employee Inprocessing Forms

Student Employment/Internships

Student Temporary Employment Program/Student Career Experience Program
These programs are designed to attract talented students to Federal public service. They provide an opportunity to earn money and continue your education, to train with people who manage the day-to-day business of the national Government, and to combine your academic study with on-the-job experience.

Presidential Management Intern (PMI) Program
This 2-year program was established to attract outstanding masters’ and doctoral-level students from a variety of academic disciplines to the Federal service. Nominations are submitted by the participant's school and the recruitment and screening process is conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This program is being revised as a result of Executive Order 13318 of November 21, 2003, and new guidelines will be forthcoming.

Career Intern Program
We are currently waiting for guidance from the Department of the Interior concerning the types of positions that will be covered by the program.


FWS Volunteers
Look here for specific information about joining the US Fish & Wildlife Service volunteer program. Volunteers are among our most valuable resources, so see how you can help us and what volunteering entails.


Last Updated: May 16, 2008