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Tribal Policy Principles
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Tribal Policy Principles 

Our Nation has long recognized the sovereign status of Indian tribes.  y PThe United States Constitution specifically addresses tribal sovereignty by classing Indian treaties among the "supreme Law of the land", and establishes tribal affairs as a unique focus of Federal concern.  Principles outlined in the Constitution and treaties, as well as those established by Federal laws, regulations and Executive Orders, continue to guide our national policy towards Tribal Nations. 

In recognition of the special considerations due to tribal interests, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has adopted the its own Tribal Policy Principles:

Tribal Sovereignty  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognizes that Tribal governments are sovereign entities.

Trust Responsibility   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will work to meet trust obligations, protect trust resources, and obtain Tribal views of trust and treaty responsibilities.

Government-to-Government Relations   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will ensure that Corps leaders and Tribal leaders meet and recognize that, as governments, Tribes have the right to be treated in accordance with principles of self-determination.

Pre-Decisional and Honest Consultation   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will involve Tribes in collaborative processes designed to ensure information exchange, consideration of disparate viewpoints before and during decision making, and utilize fair and impartial dispute resolution.

Self Reliance, Capacity Building and Growth   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will search for ways to involve Tribes in programs, projects and other activities that build economic capacity and manage Tribal resources while preserving cultural identities.

Natural and Cultural Resources   The U.S Army Corps of Engineers will act to fulfill obligations to preserve and protect trust resources, comply with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and ensure reasonable access to sacred sites. 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has lasting and positive relations with many tribal governments.  All Corps Commands adhere to principles of respect for Indian tribal governments and honor our Nation's trust responsibility.  This site is intended to assist Corps Commands in their tribal responsibilities and initiatives and contributes to the Chief of Engineers -- strategic goal of effective communication.  It will aim to assist all team members in the Corps concerned about tribal matters and promote an understanding of who we are and what we can do in tribal communities throughout the Nation.

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