Water Safety Programs

Water Safety Program

Most people equate water with FUN!   Swimming, boating, scuba diving, fishing, all sorts of water-related activities draw us to the lake.  Yet water can be deadly when we fail to respect it.  Nearly 3,000 people drown each year, and nearly all of these deaths could have been prevented if the right precautions had been taken. 

The US Army Corps of Engineers seeks to promote water safety awareness whenever possible. Park Rangers present water safety programs to hundreds of school children each year, and are always seeking to expand our programs to other schools. Videos and live demonstrations and interaction are used to teach children the importance of water safety and how to prevent drownings. Schools, civic groups, home school groups, and 4-H Clubs are just a few of the organizations where we can help children and adults learn and practice water safety skills, all at no charge.  To setup a program, contact the Water Safety Coordinator at the Sam Rayburn/ Town Bluff Project Office at 409-384-5716 or e-mail the Water Safety Coordinator.

Please take a few moments to read the following precautions that should be taken when at the lake.

  1. Learn to swim.
  2. Never swim alone.
  3. Swim only in designated areas.
  4. Watch children at all times. NEVER leave a child unattended while near the water.
  5. WEAR a life jacket. Children under the age of 13 are required by law to wear PFD's while on the water in the State of Texas. The majority of adults who drown would have survived had they been wearing a life jacket.
  6. Alcohol and water do not mix. NEVER consume alcohol while boating or swimming.
  7. Never rely on toys such as inner tubes and rafts to stay afloat.
  8. Do not over estimate your ability to swim.
  9. Never dive into lakes or rivers.
  10. Boaters should observe all warning signs and buoys. Please use caution when boating in unfamiliar waters.
  11. Avoid turbulent waters.  Never swim or boat near a dam inlet or outlet.
  12. Learn and follow the Boating "Rules of the Road."


r Safety Dog


This site last updated on April 14, 2008